Wednesday bug triage report

Athos Ribeiro athos.ribeiro at
Wed Nov 17 20:40:14 UTC 2021

Bugs last updated on 2021-11-16 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 31 bugs

While most of them are already being taken care of, the following are
worth mentioning: - (New)            [nginx]          - libnginx-mod-http-lua at ubuntu impish
As discussed in the server team meeting today, I set this one as
invalid and refered back to the bug where the lua module was removed. - (New)            [bind9]          - bind9 calls CONF_modules_load_file() explicitly (OpenSSL 1.1.1 porting)
also:                  - (New)            [bind9-libs]     - bind9 calls CONF_modules_load_file() explicitly (OpenSSL 1.1.1 porting) - (New)            [freeradius]     - freeradius calls CONF_modules_load_file() explicitly (OpenSSL 1.1.1 porting) - (New)            [librabbitmq]    - librabbitmq calls CONF_modules_load_file() explicitly (OpenSSL 1.1.1 porting)

These bugs were filed after  While they
all do need further analysis, they seemed worthy to be tagged as
"server-todo" (I also subscribed the team to them) given the next steps
are clear and do fit the current tag definition.

Athos Ribeiro

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