Wednesday Triage Report (2021-03-17)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Wed Mar 17 16:44:31 UTC 2021

ustriage found 20 bugs.  Everything is being properly handled by the
team, so I don't have anything noteworthy to report.

As a reminder:

Bugs tagged 'server-next' and not touched in 60 days
Found 1 bugs - (Confirmed)      [postfix]        - posttls-finger fails to connect to private/tlsmgr

Bugs in backlog and not touched in 180 days
Found 1 bugs - (Confirmed)      [pollinate]      - Investigate and remove CA pinning

GPG key ID: E92F D0B3 6B14 F1F4 D8E0  EB2F 106D A1C8 C3CB BF14
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