Tuesday bug triage report

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Jun 15 14:24:30 UTC 2021

Bugs last updated on 2021-06-14 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
Found 9 bugs

The regular bugs are all under control. A couple of comments below about
bugs in the backlog and not touched in 180 days:

https://pad.lv/1492621 - (Confirmed)      [qemu]           - Cannot start
VMs without routable IPv4 address
-> This is a heads-up to Christian since he added a tag to fix it for 21.10.

https://pad.lv/1907955 - (New)            [ruby2.5]        - autopkgtest
fails in bionic
-> Marked as Fix Released since the last test re-trigger passed fine. This
seemed to be affected by a change in the autopkgtest infrastructure and now
it is fixed.

Lucas Kanashiro.
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