Wednesday Triage Report (2021-01-27)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Wed Jan 27 19:15:50 UTC 2021

ustriage found 11 bugs.  These are the noteworthy ones:

### - (New) [samba] - Applications fail to build
    against libsmbclient 4.12.5

Looks like a valid bug, and some people from Foundations commented on
it.  There is a patch available, and it will need an SRU for Groovy.  I
subscribed myself to it.

### - *(New) [rabbitmq-server] - Rabbit reports
    file descriptor limit alarm set, does not accept connections

The reporter replied to a comment I'd left back in November and provided
information that made me believe that the bug is happening because
rabbitmqctl is being started without using the systemd service.  I
replied to him and marked the bug as Incomplete again.

### - (New) [python-cffi] - [SRU] python-cffi in
    Groovy needs a no-change rebuild

It seems Stefano Rivera is taking care of this one, so I didn't do

### - (New) [unbound] - unbound DNS service
    crashing/not starting

Incomplete.  I could not reproduce the bug and the reporter says that
it's working after reinstalling the package.

### - (New) [sosreport] - [plugin] [bcache] add a
    new bcache plugin

New feature request.  Marked the bug as Triaged and subscribed

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