Merge Opportunities Report - 2021-02-15

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Feb 15 08:57:43 UTC 2021

New Mergeable Version in Debian Unstable
high  apache2                   2.4.46-4                              2.4.46-2ubuntu1                     
high  bind9                     1:9.16.11-3                           1:9.16.8-1ubuntu1                   
high  open-iscsi                2.1.3-2                               2.1.3-1ubuntu1                      
high  samba                     2:4.13.4+dfsg-1                       2:4.13.3+dfsg-1ubuntu2              
high  sosreport                 4.0-2                                 4.0-1ubuntu7                        
low   autofs                    5.1.7-1                               5.1.6-4ubuntu1                      
low   checksecurity             2.0.16+nmu2                           2.0.16+nmu1ubuntu1                  
low   crmsh                     4.2.1-1                               4.2.0-4ubuntu1                      
low   cyrus-sasl2               2.1.27+dfsg-2.1                       2.1.27+dfsg-2ubuntu1                
low   dnsmasq                   2.84-1                                2.82-1ubuntu2                       
low   dovecot                   1:2.3.13+dfsg1-1                      1:           
low   exim4                     4.94-15                               4.94-12ubuntu1                      
low   freeipmi                  1.6.6-3                               1.6.4-3ubuntu2                      
low   kerberos-configs          2.6+nmu1                              2.6ubuntu1                          
low   libseccomp                2.5.1-1                               2.4.3-1ubuntu6                      
low   libvirt                   7.0.0-2                               7.0.0-1ubuntu2                      
low   lm-sensors                1:3.6.0-7                             1:3.6.0-2ubuntu1                    
low   logwatch                  7.5.5-1                               7.5.4-1ubuntu1                      
low   mysql-defaults            1.0.7                                 1.0.5ubuntu2                        
low   net-tools                 1.60+git20181103.0eebece-1            1.60+git20180626.aebd88e-1ubuntu2   
low   openldap                  2.4.57+dfsg-2                         2.4.56+dfsg-1ubuntu2                
low   php7.4                    7.4.15-3                              7.4.11-1ubuntu3                     
low   php-pear                  1:1.10.12+submodules+notgz+20210212-1 1:1.10.9+submodules+notgz-1.1ubuntu1
low   rsync                     3.2.3-4                               3.2.3-3ubuntu1                      
low   runc                      1.0.0~rc93+ds1-2                      1.0.0~rc92-0ubuntu1                 
low   squid                     4.13-5                                4.13-1ubuntu2                       
low   subunit                   1.4.0-3                               1.4.0-0ubuntu1                      
low   tgt                       1:1.0.80-1                            1:1.0.79-3ubuntu1                   

New Version in Experimental
high  tmux                      3.2~rc3-1                 3.1c-1                   
low   containerd                1.5.0~beta1~ds1-2         1.4.3-0ubuntu1           
low   libpam-radius-auth        2.0.0-1~exp1              1.4.0-4                  
low   libvirt-python            7.0.0-1                   6.1.0-1build2            
low   php-defaults              80~exp1                   76ubuntu1                
low   python-django             2:3.2~alpha1-1            2:2.2.18-1               
low   spamassassin              4.0.0~0.0svn1885032-2     3.4.5~pre1-3             

New Syncs

New Upstream not in Debian
high  at                        UNKNOWN                   3.1.23-1.1ubuntu2        
high  bcache-tools              UNKNOWN                   1.0.8-4ubuntu1           
high  postfix                   3.5.9                     3.5.6-1                  
high  procmail                  UNKNOWN                   3.22-26                  
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

Other Merges by Active Server Team Members (via Merge-o-Matic)
apache2                             Paride Legovini                    
autofs                              Christian Ehrhardt                 
bind9                               Paride Legovini                    
chrony                              Christian Ehrhardt                 
cyrus-sasl2                         Andreas Hasenack                                     Lucas Kanashiro                    
exim4                               Bryce Harrington                   
freeipmi                            Christian Ehrhardt                 
golang-github-hashicorp-memberlist  Lucas Kanashiro                    
inspircd                            Robie Basak                        
ipxe                                Christian Ehrhardt                 
jabberd2                            Andreas Hasenack                   
kerberos-configs                    Andreas Hasenack                   
libvirt                             Christian Ehrhardt                 
lm-sensors                          Lucas Kanashiro                    
logwatch                            Bryce Harrington                   
lua-dbi                             Robie Basak                        
mysql-defaults                      Robie Basak                        
nagios-plugins-rabbitmq             Christian Ehrhardt                 
nomad                               Lucas Kanashiro                    
nsscache                            Andreas Hasenack                   
open-iscsi                          Christian Ehrhardt                 
openldap                            Robie Basak                        
openvswitch                         Christian Ehrhardt                 
pam-mysql                           Robie Basak                        
php7.4                              Sergio Durigan Junior              
puma                                Lucas Kanashiro                    
rsync                               Sergio Durigan Junior              
ruby-mysql2                         Rafael David Tinoco                
runc                                Lucas Kanashiro                    
sssd                                Sergio Durigan Junior              
tango                               Andreas Hasenack                   
tgt                                 Christian Ehrhardt                 
util-linux                          Sergio Durigan Junior              
vagrant                             Lucas Kanashiro                    
volatildap                          Andreas Hasenack                   

Other Merges by Server Team Alumni (via Merge-o-Matic)
abi-monitor                         Marc Deslauriers                   
accountsservice                     Marc Deslauriers                   
aptdaemon                           Marc Deslauriers                   
byobu                               Dustin Kirkland                    
ceph-iscsi                          James Page                         
checksecurity                       Nishanth Aravamudan                
curl                                Marc Deslauriers                   
dnsmasq                             Marc Deslauriers                   
dovecot                             Marc Deslauriers                   
gdm3                                Marc Deslauriers                   
intel-microcode                     Alex Murray                        
libjpeg-turbo                       Leonidas S. Barbosa                
libreswan                           Eduardo Barretto                   
migrate                             Corey Bryant                       
networking-l2gw                     Corey Bryant                       
networkx                            Corey Bryant                       
neutron-fwaas                       Corey Bryant                       
neutron-taas                        Corey Bryant                       
openjpeg2                           Marc Deslauriers                   
openscap                            Eduardo Barretto                   
openssl                             Marc Deslauriers                   
openvswitch                         Christian Ehrhardt                 
pam                                 Mike Salvatore                     
php-pear                            Marc Deslauriers                   
ppp                                 Marc Deslauriers                   
preseed                             Adam Conrad                        
pyroute2                            Corey Bryant                       
python-aodhclient                   Corey Bryant                       
python-automaton                    Corey Bryant                       
python-barbicanclient               Corey Bryant                       
python-blazarclient                 Corey Bryant                       
python-ceilometermiddleware         Chris MacNaughton                  
python-cinderclient                 Corey Bryant                       
python-congressclient               James Page                         
python-debtcollector                Chris MacNaughton                  
python-decorator                    Corey Bryant                       
python-designateclient              Chris MacNaughton                  
python-django-debreach              Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui           
python-django-formtools             Corey Bryant                       
python-glanceclient                 Corey Bryant                       
python-glareclient                  James Page                         
python-gnocchiclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-ironicclient                 Corey Bryant                       
python-ironic-inspector-client      Corey Bryant                       
python-ironic-lib                   Corey Bryant                       
python-microversion-parse           Corey Bryant                       
python-mistralclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-mistral-lib                  Corey Bryant                       
python-monascaclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-monasca-statsd               Corey Bryant                       
python-muranoclient                 Corey Bryant                       
python-neutronclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-novaclient                   Corey Bryant                       
python-octaviaclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-octavia-lib                  Chris MacNaughton                  
python-os-client-config             Corey Bryant                       
python-osc-placement                Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.cache                   Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.i18n                    Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.log                     Chris MacNaughton                  
python-oslo.middleware              Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.privsep                 Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.reports                 Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.rootwrap                Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.serialization           Corey Bryant                       
python-oslotest                     Corey Bryant                       
python-oslo.vmware                  Corey Bryant                       
python-osprofiler                   Corey Bryant                       
python-os-resource-classes          Corey Bryant                       
python-os-service-types             Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui           
python-os-traits                    Chris MacNaughton                  
python-proliantutils                Corey Bryant                       
python-pypowervm                    Corey Bryant                       
python-pysaml2                      Corey Bryant                       
python-qinlingclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-sqlalchemy-utils             Chris MacNaughton                  
python-tabulate                     Corey Bryant                       
python-taskflow                     Corey Bryant                       
python-watcherclient                Corey Bryant                       
python-zaqarclient                  Corey Bryant                       
python-zunclient                    Corey Bryant                       
subunit                             James Page                         
sudo                                Marc Deslauriers                   
vinagre                             Marc Deslauriers                   
xdg-utils                           Leonidas S. Barbosa                
xorg-server                         Marc Deslauriers                   

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