Server bug Triage Report - Monday the 23rd of August 2021

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Tue Aug 24 09:02:14 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,
today I checked 23 bugs that recently got touched.
A few I directly handled with bug updates, but among them were a few that
now seem to have become ready for action by the Team:

squid -
This is an FTBFS that should be resolved before 21.10 is completed.
Upstream has more fixes to cherry-pick in 4.16 that we can consider.
Marked as server-next.

openssh -
The fix is on the bug (debdiff) and in Debian. Debian has only bugfixes
and to me that seems to be a great late re-merge to be done.
Tagged it server-next.

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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