Wednesday Triage Report (2020-09-23)

Sergio Durigan Junior sergio.durigan at
Thu Sep 24 03:05:50 UTC 2020


This Wednesday I did my first triage, replacing Rafael.

The only noteworthy bug I have is this one:

- - *(Confirmed) [sssd] - sssd_be is leaking

There has been a comment by yet another person confirming the bug.  This
is obviously not server-next, but I don't have anything meaningful to
reply to the user for now.  Andreas, you mentioned in the bug that you
were going to look at the changes in 1.16 and see if anything comes up;
do you remember doing that?  I know it's been a while, but...

As a side note, this bug:

- - *(Invalid) [qemu] - Clipboard doesn't work
  100% of the time in Ubuntu 20.04 (in KVM guests)

has received updates recently.  I'm sure Christian is on top of it, but
I thought it'd be worth mentioning.

Other than that, the other bugs were all being taken care of.


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