Bug triage report for 2020-09-08 (Tuesday triage)

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Sep 8 19:05:47 UTC 2020

== Triage ==
Bugs last updated on 2020-09-07 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
Found 25 bugs

The list of bugs today is longer than usual but most of them are bugs that
people are working on or expired ones. A few comments below:

https://pad.lv/1894618 - (New)            [samba]          - samba vfs
glusterfs shares do not work because glusterfs.so is missing from
-> The bug reporter asked for inclusion of glusterfs.so in the package, but
it was intentionally disabled because GlusterFS is not in main. Explained
the situation and marked it as Won't Fix (apparently no team wants to own
it according to the MIR bug).

https://pad.lv/1894619 - (Triaged)        [dnsmasq]        - [2.82
regression] router announcements have 'forever' lifetime by default
-> This is a regression introduced in the latest sync. A patch is provided
so I marked it as server-next.

https://pad.lv/1696800 - (Confirmed)      [python-s3transfer] - S3 upload
of empty files fails
-> This bug is in our backlog for a while and it pop up in the triage, not
sure if we want to do something about it.
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