Bug triage report for 2020-11-02 (Tuesday triage)

Lucas Kanashiro lucas.kanashiro at canonical.com
Tue Nov 3 15:18:41 UTC 2020

Bugs last updated on 2020-11-02 (Monday)
Date range identified as: "Tuesday triage"
Found 6 bugs


https://pad.lv/1860620 - (Confirmed)      [net-snmp]       -
ubuntu-desktop-minimal should not depend on mysql libs
-> Users are complaining that ubuntu-desktop-minimal depends on libsnmp35
which depends on libmysqlclient21. I do not think we should drop mysql
support from net-snmp just because of this. Asked if they have a better
reason to make it not pull in mysql library and marked as Incomplete.

https://pad.lv/1902556 - (New)            [spice]          - Spice led
state is not reliable
-> A bug found in Bionic and a patch was linked. I believe the bug reporter
will be working on the SRU but I am reporting here just to let specially
Christian aware of what is happening.

Bugs tagged 'server-next' and not touched in 60 days
Found 1 bugs
https://pad.lv/1893753 - (Triaged)        [nginx]          -
libnginx-mod-http-lua 0.10.11 not compatible with NGINX 1.18/1.17
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