Triage report (2020-05-28)

Paride Legovini paride.legovini at
Thu May 28 14:35:41 UTC 2020

Whopping 32 bugs to look at, but only 3 worth mentioning:


LP: #1880211 - *+(Triaged)      [logwatch]       - Logwatch package
points to wrong location for zfs utils

I initially tagged this server-next as I think there's a small patch we
can apply (and SRU), but then I filed an upstream bug. Let's see what
they say; I removed server-next are we are now waiting for an answer.


LP: #1874953 - *(Invalid)       [smartmontools]  - dpkg: conffile
difference visualizer subprocess returned error exit status 127

This is interesting.

The 'less' package in Focal moves its binaries from /bin to /usr/bin.
When upgrading (non-usrmerged) Bionic to Focal this may cause a window
where the 'pager' alternative points to the wrong location, breaking the
"show the differences between the versions" dpkg option.

There's a dpkg bug in Debian that suggests falling back to more if
$PAGER is available. I have no better ideas. See the bug for more details.


LP: #1876320 [openssh]
Port parameter sshd_config is 22 AND whatever you specify

Low-priority bug but now has a patch, and it's a potential
patch-on-a-plate scenario. Tagged server-next.


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