Merge Opportunities Report - 2020-05-04

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon May 4 21:05:54 UTC 2020

On Mon, May 04, 2020 at 08:43:07AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> New Version in Debian Unstable
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> New Version in Experimental
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> New Upstream not in Debian
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> (Low priority upstream releases skipped)
> high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
> low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

(Sorry for the empty report, I've ported the code to a new machine
running focal, and one of the paths in the script needed an update.)

New Version in Debian Unstable
high  amavisd-new               1:2.11.1-2                1:2.11.0-6.1ubuntu1      
high  apache2                   2.4.43-1                  2.4.41-4ubuntu3          
high  bind9                     1:9.16.2-3                1:9.16.1-0ubuntu2        
high  chrony                    3.5-8                     3.5-6ubuntu6             
high  nut                       2.7.4-12                  2.7.4-11ubuntu4          
high  openvpn                   2.4.9-2                   2.4.7-1ubuntu2           
high  sosreport                 3.9-2                     3.9-1ubuntu3             
high  squid                     4.11-2                    4.10-1ubuntu1            
low   containerd                1.3.4~ds1-1               1.3.3-0ubuntu2           
low   crmsh                     4.2.0-3                   4.2.0-2ubuntu1           
low   dpdk                      19.11.1-2                 19.11.1-0ubuntu1         
low   exim4                     4.93-15                   4.93-13ubuntu1           
low   krb5                      1.17-7                    1.17-6ubuntu4            
low   kronosnet                 1.16-2                    1.15-1ubuntu1            
low   libdbi-drivers            0.9.0-9                   0.9.0-8ubuntu1           
low   libslirp                  4.2.0-2                   4.1.0-2ubuntu2           
low   libvirt                   6.0.0-6                   6.0.0-0ubuntu8           
low   mako                      1.1.2+ds1-1               1.1.0+ds1-1ubuntu2       
low   nagios-nrpe               4.0.3-1                   4.0.0-2ubuntu1           
low   nss                       2:3.51-1                  2:3.49.1-1ubuntu1        
low   openldap                  2.4.50+dfsg-1             2.4.49+dfsg-2ubuntu1     
low   pycparser                 2.20-1                    2.19-1ubuntu1            
low   qemu                      1:5.0-4                   1:4.2-3ubuntu6           
low   rdma-core                 29.0-1                    28.0-1ubuntu1            
low   runc                      1.0.0~rc10+dfsg2-1        1.0.0~rc10-0ubuntu1      
low   sg3-utils                 1.45-1                    1.44-1ubuntu2            
low   spice                     0.14.3-1                  0.14.2-4ubuntu3          
low   ssh-import-id             5.10-1                    5.10-0ubuntu1            
low   strongswan                5.8.4-1                   5.8.2-1ubuntu3           
low   virglrenderer             0.8.2-2                   0.8.2-1ubuntu1           
low   vlan                      2.0.5                     2.0.4ubuntu1             

New Version in Experimental
low   haproxy                   2.1.4-1                   2.0.14-1                 
low   http-parser               2.9.3-1                   2.9.2-2                  
low   python-ddt                1.3.1-2                   1.2.1-3                  
low   python-django             2:3.0.5-1                 2:2.2.12-1               
low   python-tornado            6.0.4-1                   6.0.3+really5.1.1-3      

New Upstream not in Debian
high  at                        UNKNOWN                   3.1.23-1ubuntu1          
high  bcache-tools              UNKNOWN                   1.0.8-3                  
high  checksecurity             UNKNOWN                   2.0.16+nmu1ubuntu1       
high  drbd-utils                9.12.2                    9.11.0-1build1           
high  libapache2-mod-auth-plain UNKNOWN                   2.0.52                   
high  logwatch                  7.5.3/logwatch-7.5.3      7.5.2-1ubuntu1           
high  lsscsi                    0.31                      0.30-0.1                 
high  multipath-tools           0.8.4                     0.8.3-1ubuntu2           
high  numactl                   2.0.13                    2.0.12-1                 
high  openipmi                  2.0.28                    2.0.27-0ubuntu2          
high  pacemaker                 2.0.4~rc1                 2.0.3-3ubuntu3           
high  procmail                  UNKNOWN                   3.22-26                  
high  setserial                 UNKNOWN                   2.17-52                  
high  siege                     4.0.5                     4.0.4-1build1            
high  tftp-hpa                  UNKNOWN                   5.2+20150808-1ubuntu4    
high  tmux                      3.1b                      3.1a-1                   
high  wakeonlan                 UNKNOWN                   0.41-12                  
high  whois                     UNKNOWN                   5.5.6                    
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

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