PHP remnants

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Mar 23 18:08:17 UTC 2020

On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 09:33:49AM -0700, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> Apart from php-horde, here are the last 8 php packages blocking
> php-defaults from migrating.  Help on these items would be very much
> appreciated.
> php-league-commonmark
>   - League\CommonMark\Tests\Functional\BinTest::testStdin
>     Failed asserting that 1 matches expected 0.
>   - 1.3.1-1 could be sync'd from debian
>   - syncpackage -V 1.3.1-1 -d unstable -r focal-proposed php-league-commonmark
>   - Sync Done
>   - Yet php-defaults still showing as built against
>     php-league-commonmark 1.3.0-1...?
>   - Guessing needs a retrigger?
> php-masterminds-html5
>   - test failure: "Trying to access array offset on value of type null"
>   - Ubuntu has 2.7.0+dfsg-2, Debian has 2.7.0+dfsg-3
>   - syncpackage -V 2.7.0+dfsg-3 -d unstable -r focal-proposed php-masterminds-html5
>   - Sync Done
>   - Yet php-defaults still showing as built against
>     php-masterminds-html5 2.7.0+dfsg-2...?
>   - Guessing needs a retrigger?

I've retriggered both of these on s390, and will retrigger more broadly
if it works this time.

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> php-doctrine-cache
>   - No ubuntu side changes
>   - test failure "Function ReflectionType::__toString() is deprecated"
>   - Similar to
>   - Maybe needs retriggered with phpunit-global-state

I've retriggered this on s390.

>   - Debian has 1.10.0-4, with autopkgtest fix.  (See debb #953777)

This fix is for a different issue than what we're hitting.  It might
still be worth sync'ing this fix in, but I suspect it's not the fix
we're looking for.


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cacti
>   - needs merge
> php-sabredav
>   - No ubuntu changes
>   - test failure: "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool"
>   - We are caught up with Debian at 1.8.12-8
>   - Debian has 3.2.0-1 in experimental, but that's a huge jump...
>   - I think this one will need a fix patched in
> php-tijsverkoyen-css-to-inline-styles
>   - test failure "Element 'phpunit', attribute 'syntaxCheck': The attribute 'syntaxCheck' is not allowed."
>   - We're on 2.2.2-3, same as debian
>   - Check that the phpunit version is as expected, if not this might
>     just need a retrigger and/or no-change rebuild.
> phpunit-comparator
>   - test failure "PHP Warning:  Creating default object from empty value in /tmp/autopkgtest.peiSWF/build.nqj/src/tests/MockObjectComparatorTest.php on line 95"
>   - Debian has 4.0.0-1, but that's a big jump from 3.0.2-1
>   - Should probably reproduce error locally and then see if 4.0.0-1
>     fixes it.
> rss-bridge
>   - Not sure why this one is failing its test
> Bryce

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