proposed migration duty - special php edition

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Tue Mar 10 06:31:33 UTC 2020

On Sat, Mar 07, 2020 at 08:34:12AM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 11:01:54PM -0800, Bryce Harrington wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 03, 2020 at 12:38:08PM +0100, Christian Ehrhardt wrote:
> > > Today I tried to fill my compile/test breaks with some help for php7.4 by
> > > asking bryce this morning.
> > 
> > I mostly indulged in non-PHP work today, but have some small updates:
> I'm going to try to summarize as many of the outstanding issues as I
> know about currently.  This is in rough order of priority as I view it.
> * uwsgi-plugin-php:  I *think* this merely needs a no-change rebuild,
>   but it's a really oddball package that is somehow generated as a
>   subpackage from uwsgi-src.  I asked for advice on #ubuntu-devel.
>   How the heck do we build this???

Andreas squared this away.  I approved his MP but wasn't sure if there
was another tweak he wanted to do, so held off uploading it.  But maybe
it can go in now.

> * php-mailparse: Cjwatson helped me diagnose this.  It seems to be just
>   a rotten tarball, that needs to be re-packed with '.orig' removed from
>   its name, and re-uploaded.

I repacked this with a differently named tarball and uploaded.

> * php-defaults: php-recode/amd64 => unsatisfiable
>   > > a) - drop php-recode from php-defaults
>   > >    - remove rev-deps src:fusiondirectory and src:gosa
>   > >      otherwise update_output will stop you for making them non-installable
>   - Based on the discussion with Debian quoted previously in this thread,
>     php-recode need to be removed from these two packages.

I've done this change for fusiondirectory.  If that MP looks good, then
tomorrow I can do gosa the same way (unless someone beats me to it...)

> * phpunit
>   > > => But phpunit had further issues.
>   > > At least all 39 errors are about the same two things above, so one fix
>   > > should do it for all.
>   > > =>
>   > > But as we learned from other threads in this whole topic there also is a
>   > > new phpunit - lets add that as well.
>   > > => These tests are still ongoing - I'll reply later
>   > 
>   > I looked a bit at the new 9.0.1 release.  It looks like it removes a
>   > fair bit of deprecated functionality.  I think Robie's approach of
>   > cherrypicking the actual fix and leaving the merge until later, is the
>   > safest approach here.
>   - I did a retrigger against the 12 failed packages, with
>     all-proposed=1, but no dice, still same packages fail.
>   - The excuses page mentions php-codecoverage and phpunit-globalstate
>   - This needs more investigation

Still TODO

> * php-text-password migration - still building against php7.3
>   - Looks like it passed run with all-proposed=1 for phpunit but is
>     still blocked in migration.
>   - I've retriggered this, hoping our recent progress has cleared its
>     dependencies.  I ran it without all-proposed, but with triggers
>     against the proposed phpunit and php7.4.

Doesn't look like the above did it.
Still TODO

> * php-horde-*
>   > php-horde-nag
>   > php-horde-mnemo
>   > php-horde-lz4
>   > php-horde-kronolith
>   > php-horde-imp
>   > php-horde-ansel
>   > php-horde-text-filter
>   > php-horde-mime
>   - Some progress has been made getting these rebuilt for 7.4, but looks
>     like additional work is needed.  They might need retriggered against
>     phpunit and other things, or may need no-change rebuilds

Excuses lists "Test in progress".

> * php-redis / php-mockery
>   - Doesn't block the php migration, but may be affected by it
>   - php-mockery probably needs a no-change rebuild.

Still TODO

> * php-text-captcha
>   - Doesn't block the php migration, but may be affected by it
>   - php-text-captcha has no binaries on any arch
>   - Maybe this one just needs dropped?

Still TODO

> * doctrine / php-doctrine-cache
>   - Doesn't block the php migration, but may be affected by it
>   - says "Invalidated by dependency"
>   - There's a number of *doctrine* packages that may be caught up in
>     this.

Still TODO

> * symfony / php-symfony*
>   - Doesn't block the php migration, but may be affected by it
>   - Bunch of missing builds; not sure what this needs, but guessing it's
>     another "one kick in the right spot" type of thing

Still TODO

> * php-lorenzo-pinky
>   - Doesn't block the php migration, but may be affected by it

Still TODO


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