Random tools I've found interesting

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com
Mon Mar 9 10:50:56 UTC 2020

On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 11:40 AM Christian Ehrhardt <
christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 8:53 PM Bryce Harrington <
> bryce.harrington at canonical.com> wrote:
>> As followup to our retrospective, this past year I've found and played
>> with several tools, that I thought might be worth show-and-telling
> Yes this is just what I had in mind - the storytelling to get attention to
> it.
>> about, and given our corona-sprint we're in will do so via email:
>> == so-trello ==
>> This CLI allows programmatic interaction with Trello boards.  It was
>> written by our own Kernel team's Andy Whitcroft.
>> This looks like it could be handy for bulk operations, cronned/automated
>> card update tasks, and the like.
>> So-trello can be downloaded from the snap store
>> (https://snapcraft.io/so-trello), or installed directly:
>>   $ sudo snap install so-trello
>> == LXD Login ==
>> I'm always looking for ways to improve my user experience with lxc
>> containers.  Logging in has always felt a bit baroque, so I've been
>> scouring for simpler solutions.  I found out that LXD supports
>> 'aliases', and that you can construct a login alias, which works pretty
>> good.
>>   $ lxc alias add login 'exec @ARGS@ --mode interactive -- bash -xac
>> $@bryce - exec /bin/login -p -f '
>> (The trailing space after the -f is important).  Replace 'bryce' with
>> 'ubuntu' or whatever username you use in your containers.
>> Unfortunately, it still requires running `script /dev/null` after
>> logging in... would love to figure out how to eliminate that step.
>> Bonus, here's an alias to make a prettier lxc listing:
>>   $ lxc alias add ls 'list -c ns4,user.comment:comment'
>> If I'm late to the party and y'all already know about lxd aliases, well
>> boo, but show me *your* aliases!  (And we should add this to starter
>> docs...)
>> == YAML Parser for Bash scripts - yaml.sh ==
>> I like YAML and I like writing in Bash, but the two don't fit together
>> naturally.  Scouring the web for solutions, I found AdrianDC's yaml.sh
>> which reads a YAML file and registers its parameters as prefixed ENV
>> vars.  Quite handy.
>> yaml.sh can be downloaded from:
>>   $ wget
>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jasperes/bash-yaml/master/script/yaml.sh
>> == shellcheck ==
>> Probably known to all Bash aficionados already, but 'shellcheck' is so
>> handy worth extra mention.  It runs a lint check on bash scripts to
>> identify syntax improvements.  Very helpful for catching errors too.
>>   $ sudo apt-get install shellcheck
> I use that as well and if you git-clone syntastic into your vim you'll get
> it integrated (along others) on writing a file.
>   $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
>   $ git clone https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic.git
> And BTW tools ..., managing vim plugins with
>   $ apt install vim-pathogen

Not my tool so I can't point to my repo.
But also really helpful when dealing with git-repos on a daily base.


Lets your prompt always list in which branch you are (I also show if it is
Let me know if you need help setting this up...

>  == distro-info ==
>> Another one I'm sure you all already know about, but if not, distro-info
>> is another handy tool for looking up information about Debian and Ubuntu
>> releases.  Good way to avoid hardcoding things in your own scripts.
>>   $ sudo apt-get install distro-info
>> What's the current development version's codename?
>>   $ distro-info -d
>>   focal
>> What's bionic's release number?
>>   $ distro-info --release --series bionic | cut -d' ' -f1
>>   18.04
>> Is disco still supported?
>>   $ (distro-info --supported | grep disco) || echo "Nope!"
>>   Nope!
>> --
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> --
> Christian Ehrhardt
> Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
> Canonical Ltd

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd
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