Monday/weekend (late) triage: 2020-03-02

Andreas Hasenack andreas at
Wed Mar 4 21:46:46 UTC 2020

Bugs last updated between 2020-02-28 (Friday) and 2020-03-01 (Sunday) inclusive
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"
Found 32 bugs. Some comments on a few of them:

LP: #1613423 - +(New)           [libvirt]        - Mitaka + Trusty
(kernel 3.13) not using apparmor capability by default, when it does,
live migration doesn't work (/tmp/memfd-XXX can't be created)
Tinoco intervened on this one (he filed it that many years ago).

LP: #1825712 - *+(New)          [bind9]          - bind9 is compiled
without support for EdDSA DNSSEC keys
Tentatively confirmed, but I have to check if the version of bind9 in
Bionic can correctly use this algorithm or if there were bugs that
were fixed in later releases.

LP: #1859773 - *(Triaged)       [apache2]        - Apache DBD Auth not
working with mysql  Focal 20.04
This one actually made me propose a fix for both focal and eoan, it's
up for review.

LP: #1863950 - (Incomplete)     [qemu]           - Failure installing
ubuntu 20.04 in virtual machine at 19.10
The keyboard is missing sometimes. Lots of back and forth, no clear
reproducer yer.

LP: #1865152 - (New)            [rdma-core]      - SoftRoCE device disappears
Tried same steps, they worked, asked for more information.

LP: #1865340 - (New)            [apache2]        - secret parameter
not available in mod_proxy_ajp on focal
Located the upstream commits that implement "secret", and tagged
server-next. This will be in 2.4.42, not released yet. Not sure when
it will happen, so we could have the patch in focal's 2.4.41 before

Bugs tagged 'server-next' and not touched in 60 days
Found 0 bugs

Bugs in backlog and not touched in 180 days
Found 0 bugs

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