Migration/Triage for 2020-01-08

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at canonical.com
Thu Jan 9 09:21:33 UTC 2020

On Thu, Jan 9, 2020 at 4:31 AM Bryce Harrington <
bryce.harrington at canonical.com> wrote:

> ## Proposed Migration ##
> Down to 16 packages from 23 Monday.
> Today I focused on a few of the py2/py3 problems.
> * convoy:
>   - This provides both py2 and py3 binaries.  python3-django-maas
>     depends on the py3 binary but nothing depends on python-convoy so it
>     should be fine to just excise.
>   - Its autopkgtest only work with python2, but seem to work with
>     python3 with some tweaking.
>   - I went ahead and finished this up and sent a MP for it.
> https://code.launchpad.net/~bryce/ubuntu/+source/convoy/+git/convoy/+merge/377346

Thanks for directly tackling this - Reviewed and Tested

> * python-oauth / python-oauthlib
>   - Looks like these have both been updated to py3-only from py2, but
>     they need to go through together.  I set up a triggered run to do
>     so, and hopefully that will take care of them.

Those two look good now in terms of testing - they are now valid candidates.

there is a deeper chain holding all of these back.
Uninstallable might be:
python-piston-mini-client, python-requests-oauthlib, python-ssoclient,

As expected they still depend on the py2 packages that got dropped.
root at f:~# apt-cache show python-piston-mini-client python-requests-oauthlib
| grep Depends
Depends: python-httplib2, python-oauthlib, python:any (<< 2.8), python:any
(>= 2.7.5-5~)
Depends: python-oauthlib, python-requests, python:any (<< 2.8), python:any
(>= 2.7~)

The other two in the list might be indirectly uninstallable through the
other two here.
- piston-mini-client is ubuntu only and would need an update (as well as
any revdeps - kylin?)
- python-requests-oauthlib is actually ok (new version in proposed) but
needs src:ssoclient updated to drop py2

ssoclient in turn is ubuntu only and has no rev-deps on the py2 binary
I took a stab at that one and there now is this MP to consider

Please review, but then still someone has to take a look
at piston-mini-client and deps so that this can overall be resolved.
If someone starts on that please keep me in the loop as I have bug-day on
Friday to continue on it as needed.

* blinker, nose, pytest
>   - Ditto; each of these also needed python-oauthlib from proposed, so
>     I've retriggered each against it.  There might be other packages
>     blocking these but hopefully this resolves at least one of the
>     blocks.

Tests worked now, but locked on the same uninstallability as above.

> ## Bug Triage ##
> Bugs last updated on 2020-01-07 (Tuesday)
> Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
> Found 14 bugs
> Just a couple of note:
> LP: #1858201 - (New)            [libvirt]        - volume size pod zfs
> * Reported against MAAS, but MAAS maintainer believes it's libvirt
> --> Requested args / steps to reproduce
> --> Set to Incomplete
> LP: #1858656 - (New)            [qemu-kvm]       - ubuntu 18.04
> installation on a VM with disk size 1.2T
> --> Asked for clarification
> --> Set to Incomplete
> --
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Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd
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