Triage report - Easter Weekend

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Thu Apr 16 14:30:14 UTC 2020

# Triage

Coming back after the Easter Weekend I had Friday and the Wekend to do.
I had 31 bugs in the queue and some needed some serious triage (state
updates and explanations).
As bonus there were two bugs shown as being 180 days dormant that
needed a recheck as well.

As usual many were under control or updates that things were fixed,
but not as big of a share as usual.
It seems a lot of people had time to try things over the long weekend
- good for focal, but causing more noise than usual.

Worth to mention are:

postfix -
Patch on a plate, change already in Debian.
Breaks chroot use case, would be a good fix to get into Focal if
someone could take a look.
AFAICS this only needs verifying and sponsoring the fix.
Subscribed and marked server-next.

mysql -
PIDfile issues, not sure how bad (or not) that is, but is this on your
radar Lars/Robie?

openssh -
Agents offering too many keys failing despite explicit key is good.
This will need a deeper look, subscribed and marked server-next.

GPSD (and chrony) got some upgrade tests on the weekend and a few
issues were brought up.
A few around chrony I already fixed and the new GPSD we got on
Saturday fixed a python issue. But GPSD will need a deeper look  it
seems and might end up zero day SRUs if we aren't fast enough.
Next steps are to actually set up and test things in detail.
Subscribed and marked server-next.
P.S. Might be time to improve on my test setup that currently is very
limited :-/

# Proposed Migration

I was working on bionics migration already as I was working on chrony.
That had a test that bit-rot and due to that blocked not only chrony
but also kmod.
Fix exists and is on the way through the SRU process.

ISC-dhcp is blocked by chrony autopkgtests.
The same applies to glibc being blocked on the same.
That actually is due to a systemd change but exposed by the chrony test.
I hardened the chrony test against the new behavior and re-triggered
the tests that blocks isc-dhcp/glibc.
This should resolve in a bit.
CC'ing jdstrand to be in the loop as he is waiting on these.

P.S. server-next is growing and the 20.04 frenzy keeps us busy, but we
need to get back to that queue.
As SRU that all will become even harder :-)

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd

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