Ubuntu Server Guide: How to manage launchpad bug reoprts

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at canonical.com
Sun Sep 15 19:03:58 UTC 2019

On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 08:42:40AM -0700, Doug Smythies wrote:
> Hi,
> For the serverguide discourse version what is the plan
> for how launchpad bugs should be dealt with?
> Let's use bug 1839717 as an example case.
> I chose this bug report because it is so trivial.
> What I want to do is fix the bug for the DocBook version,
> but leave it active for the discourse version. This would normally
> be done via entering "target to series" stuff into the bug report.
> however, there is no such 20.04 series in launchpad.
> Does anybody have suggestions?
> I do not know if it possible or practical, but perhaps a dummy series
> called "discourse" could be setup, that could be a target series.

>From https://launchpad.net/serverguide/+series it looks like the intent
was to have one series per lts, but it is missing bionic, and given the
current documentation efforts I agree with you a new series should be

You're right though we don't know what the 20.04 release name will be,
which suggests a series name would need to be either '20.04' or
'f-series' or similar, and then rename when the actual release name is

For the current efforts, naming a series 'discourse' would work but
thinking ahead to 22.04 and future LTS's, it could get confusing, so I
think continuing the existing series naming traditions for serverguide
would have less chance of confusion.

Btw, thank you for pointing out the bug tracker, there seem to be some
really solid suggestions here.  It'll be great if we can give some of
these attention this cycle.  Doug, what are your thoughts on where we'd
bang for the buck to work on?


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