Ubuntu Server Guide: call for content and reviews

Doug Smythies dsmythies at telus.net
Fri Sep 13 00:44:15 UTC 2019

On 2019.09.12 13:26 Joshua Powers wrote:

> Hi,

Hi, Thanks for your hard work on this.

> I want to announce the migration of the Ubuntu Server Guide source to
> Discourse [1]. Now that the source migration is complete, during the
> upcoming LTS cycle a new site will publish the Discourse topics and
> automatically update when changes are made.
> How can you help improve these documents? If you have not already, make
> an account on Discourse and review pages, make comments, or propose
> content for new topics. Members of the Server Guide Discourse category
> can then review the changes and incorporate them. Start by viewing the
> Introduction page [2] to get an idea of what topics exist already.
> The Server Guide for the current LTS release [3] will remain in the
> current location.

I am surprised to see this rolling out already.

Should we add a note and link to this new stuff from here?:

The related doc team wiki pages will need updating.

Is it possible to publish a PDF version of the serverguide?

It is not easy to navigate, both from within one page,
wanting to go to the next page, and from the order of things on
the navigation page [2]. For example. If I am on the Samba - file server
page [6] and then want to go to the print server page. To me,
the "Suggested Topics" area makes no sense.

There are a great many dead links, and I don't know how many links
that should not be links. For example [4], see index.pl as a link and
??? as a non functioning link, but should go to [5].

On [1], one can sort by a bunch of things, but not "topic", which
is the only sort I would be interested in. I guess
it doesn't matter, as I'll use [2].

At some point (typically around 21.10), the 20.04 serverguide will need
to be split out as 22.04 specific edits need to be started. Won't we
want something like we have now where "lts" or "stable" always points
to the correct version of the web pages? Once 22.04 is released,
then "lts" would point to that version and one would need to force
"20.04" to get the older, but still active version. While not needed
for two years, it should be planned for now.

> [1] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/server/guide
> [2] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/introduction/11322
> [3] https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/

[4] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/web-servers-apache/11510
[5] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/security-certificates/11885
[6] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/samba-file-server/11889

... Doug

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