Merge opportunities report - 9/3/19

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Wed Sep 4 03:10:57 UTC 2019

While we're now past FF and done with merges, I figured it might be
useful to review where we stand currently for Eoan.  There may be cases
where there are worthwhile patches to cherrypick, or bug-fix-only
releases worth pulling in (e.g. the tmux rc).

New Version in Debian Unstable
*     libpam-mount              2.16-10                           2.16-9ubuntu2                      
*     squid                     4.8-1                             4.6-2ubuntu4                       
*     vlan                      2.0.5                             2.0.4ubuntu1                       
      edk2                      0~20190606.20d2e5a1-2             0~20190606.20d2e5a1-1ubuntu2       
      ipxe                      1.0.0+git-20190125.36a4c85-1      1.0.0+git-20190109.133f4c4-0ubuntu2
      ldns                      1.7.0-4                           1.7.0-3ubuntu8                     
      libpam-radius-auth        1.4.0-2                           1.3.17-0ubuntu5                    
      libseccomp                2.4.1-2                           2.4.1-0ubuntu0.19.10.3             
      lxc                       1:3.1.0+really3.0.3-8             3.0.3-0ubuntu1                     
      lxcfs                     3.0.3-2                           3.0.3-0ubuntu1                     
      nagios-nrpe               3.2.1-3                           3.2.1-1ubuntu1                     
      openldap                  2.4.48+dfsg-1                     2.4.47+dfsg-3ubuntu3               
      python-boto               2.49.0-2                          2.44.0-1.1ubuntu1                  
      python-seamicroclient     0.4.0+2016.05.20.git.40ee44c664-2 0.4.0-1ubuntu1                     
      rabbitmq-server           3.7.8-5                           3.7.8-4ubuntu2                     
      resource-agents           1:4.3.0-1                         1:4.2.0-1ubuntu2                   
      sssd                      2.2.0-4                           1.16.3-3.1ubuntu1                  
      xen                       4.11.1+92-g6c33308a8d-2           4.9.2-0ubuntu2                     
      yui3                      3.5.1-1.1                         3.5.1-1ubuntu3                     

New Version in Experimental
*     tmux                      3.0~rc3-1                 2.9a-2                   
      nghttp2                   1.39.1-1                  1.37.0-1                 
      socat                     2.0.0~beta9-1            
      subunit                   1.3.0-2                   1.3.0-1                  

New Upstream not in Debian
*     apache2                   2.4.39                    2.4.38-3ubuntu2          
*     logwatch                  7.5.2/logwatch-7.5.2      7.5.0-2ubuntu1           
*     multipath-tools           0.8.2                     0.7.9-3ubuntu4           
*     openipmi                  2.0.27                    2.0.25-2.1ubuntu1        
*     postfix                   3.4.6                     3.4.5-1                  
*     smartmontools             7.0                       7.0-0ubuntu1             
*     sysstat                   12.1.5                    12.0.5-2                 
(non-seeded packages skipped)

* == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server

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