Xenial Installer missing iwlmvm.ko wireless module

Stefan Bader stefan.bader at canonical.com
Wed Oct 9 12:25:40 UTC 2019

On 08.10.19 00:53, Pedro Principeza wrote:
> Hi there!
> Please, disregard this subject, wrong mailing list addresses were used, no
> further discussions needed.  Thanks!
> On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 3:50 PM Pedro Principeza <pedro.principeza at canonical.com
> <mailto:pedro.principeza at canonical.com>> wrote:
>     Hi there!
>     A customer opened a Case [1] with us in STS, stating they were not able to
>     use the wireless adapter on a Zotac box to proceed with the installation of
>     Xenial Server -- no wlanX/wlpXXX interfaces are created, although the
>     iwlwifi module properly binds to the hardware, as seen in here:
>     [    2.314279] iwlwifi 0000:01:00.0: loaded firmware version 29.1044073957.0
>     op_mode iwlmvm
>     Turned out, after some digging, that a "submodule" iwlwifi would use
>     (iwlmvm.ko) for that wireless adapter model ([8086:3165] / sub [8086:4010])
>     isn't available in the initrd of either netboot or the standard Xenial
>     installer.  Only the iwldvm.ko is there.
>     Now, I have two questions regarding the availability of such module in the
>     installer initrd:
>     .. Is there any reason the iwldwm.ko module was included, and not iwlmvm.ko?

Yes, iwldvm (I do not find a iwldwm) is in the nic-modules list and iwlmvm is
not. As to why, I do not remember. Likely the latter is newer and until now was
not missed.

>     .. If not, how feasible it would be to request that module to be added to
>     both installer's initrd?  My intention is to avoid having the customer

First step is to submit a kernel patch for SRU in Xenial which does

 iwl-legacy ?
 iwldvm ?
+iwlmvm ?

Once that is released, one could ask (in the past) to rebuild the net installer
images. For the server installer it might be too late. From my memory those
images were not rebuild beside at point releases and Xenial had its last.

>     customize the installer's initrd to include the module.
>     Please, let me know if you need more context, or if you have any questions. 
>     Thanks!
>     [1] https://canonical.my.salesforce.com/5003z00001xn2Kk
>     -- 
>     Pedro Principeza
>     Technical Support Engineer | Canonical
>     <pedro.principeza at canonic <http://goog_2119053592>al.com <http://al.com>>
>     www.ubuntu.com <http://www.ubuntu.com> | Ubuntu support:
>     support.canonical.com <http://support.canonical.com>
>     Toll-free to discuss or open a Support case: +1 737 204-0281 (US/Canada)
> -- 
> -- 
> Pedro Principeza
> Technical Support Engineer | Canonical
> <pedro.principeza at canonic <http://goog_2119053592>al.com <http://al.com>>
> www.ubuntu.com <http://www.ubuntu.com> | Ubuntu support: support.canonical.com
> <http://support.canonical.com>
> Toll-free to discuss or open a Support case: +1 737 204-0281 (US/Canada)

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