Triage/Migration report of the day

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Wed Oct 2 20:11:44 UTC 2019


Bugs last updated on 2019-10-01 (Tuesday)
Date range identified as: "Wednesday triage"
Found 7 bugs
LP: #1804542 - *+(In Progress)  [bind9]          - [SRU] Multiple intermittent socket failures during name resolutions
LP: #1833618 - *+(In Progress)  [sg3-utils]      - failing to deploy Ubuntu Disco 
LP: #1844834 - *+(Confirmed)    [open-vm-tools]  - open-vm-tools 11.0.0 released
LP: #1845290 - (Incomplete)     [qemu]           - ACPI issue with RHEL4 guest VM's
LP: #1845827 - *(Confirmed)     [qemu]           - qemu-ga crashed with SIGABRT in raise()
LP: #1846237 - *(Triaged)       [libvirt]        - Kernel Panic while virsh dump of Guest with 300G RAM is triggered.

  - Above bug reports already in process by team

LP: #1846243 - (New)            [openssh]        - package openssh-client 1:7.6p1-4ubuntu0.3 failed to install/upgrade: end of file on stdin at conffile prompt

  - Apport hook triggered by time-out while prompting user for a
    response about their local configuration changes.  Looks like the
    fallback default behavior was correct, closed as not a bug.
    + Considered tuning to apport hook and/or UX improvements, but
      unless these reports become excessive, just manually handling the
      occasional false positives is probably acceptable.


* python-cryptography migration failing due to python-azure regression.
  - Log looks weird, maybe fallout from LP being down today??
  - Just retriggered the test run, since our team hasn't done that yet
  - python3-defaults may need retriggered too, once python-azure is ok


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