Is there an official statement about the Ubuntu package version identifier

Leroy Tennison leroy at
Tue Jun 11 18:40:25 UTC 2019

As I said previously, sorry for the delayed response.  This is perfect, I wasn't aware of the significance of the usn link on, that is exactly what I am going to use in my reply to the scanning vendor.  Thank you so much for your reply.


Leroy Tennison
Network Information/Cyber Security Specialist
E: leroy at


2220 Bush Dr
McKinney, Texas

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From: Robie Basak <robie.basak at>
Sent: Saturday, June 8, 2019 10:21:19 AM
To: Leroy Tennison
Cc: ubuntu-server at
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Is there an official statement about the Ubuntu package version identifier

Hi Leroy,

Some additions to what others have already said: points out "Sometimes
SecurityTeam/FAQ - Ubuntu Wiki<>
Official Support. What does official security support mean? Members of the Ubuntu Security team are Canonical employees who provide security updates for supported software in the Ubuntu distribution. Security updates are in part prioritized based on severity of impact, exploitability and number of affected users.

external security vendors doing software version scanning against Ubuntu
systems do not check actual package versions, leading to false positives
in their scan reports. For an authoritative source of what packages may
have outstanding vulnerabilities, the Ubuntu CVE Tracker can be

The Ubuntu CVE Tracker at,1,mtiohJnCvZnc1CdM-uqJsHUu87cl5O7feXmhb2-KABP09OqyKeK-nTrjURx8SyXb98fX3TURYi66y-3u1PkXl-QLYFG8U-0536A0KBkHBg4zB07ShpE,&typo=1
says that the fix was released in package version "2.4.18-2ubuntu3.1"
(in Xenial, for example), and I believe this database reflects the
Ubuntu Security Team's official position. In addition it is confirmed in
the linked announcement which certainly
is an official statement.

Is that is not sufficient for your needs, why isn't it?

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