Triage and Migration support (Friday)

Christian Ehrhardt christian.ehrhardt at
Fri Dec 13 08:11:23 UTC 2019

# Triage
I had 28 bugs, as usual the majority were already under control.
A few of them needed minor updates to get the process to move forward e.g.
assigning other teams or asking for a few details. But none seemed of
particular interest for now.

# Proposed migration
The few new things that show up are under control already.

Only openssh might be interesting, but that faces the "usual" i386
dependency issue in regard to putty-tools (>= 0.67-2): i386. Cjwatson
usually cares about openssh and is aware of the i386 drop, so I'd leave
that to him unless we see a need to do otherwise.

Christian Ehrhardt
Staff Engineer, Ubuntu Server
Canonical Ltd
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