Merge Opportunities Report - 2019-12-02

Bryce Harrington bryce.harrington at
Mon Dec 2 16:59:44 UTC 2019

New Version in Debian Unstable
high  clamav                    0.102.1+dfsg-1               0.101.4+dfsg-1ubuntu1                  
high  nut                       2.7.4-10                     2.7.4-9ubuntu1                         
high  samba                     2:4.11.1+dfsg-3              2:4.10.7+dfsg-0ubuntu3                 
high  smartmontools             7.0-2                        7.0-0ubuntu1                           
high  vlan                      2.0.5                        2.0.4ubuntu1                           
low   autofs                    5.1.6-1                      5.1.5-1ubuntu1                         
low   ebtables             
low   exim4                     4.93~RC5-1                   4.93~RC2-1ubuntu1                      
low   freeipmi                  1.6.4-3                      1.6.3-1.1ubuntu2                       
low   ipxe                      1.0.0+git-20190125.36a4c85-1 1.0.0+git-20190109.133f4c4-0ubuntu2    
low   ldb                       2:2.0.7-4                    2:1.5.5-0ubuntu3                       
low   libvirt                   5.6.0-2                      5.4.0-0ubuntu5                         
low   lxc                       1:3.1.0+really3.0.4-2        3.0.4-0ubuntu2                         
low   net-snmp                  5.8+dfsg-2                   5.7.3+dfsg-5ubuntu6                    
low   php7.3                    7.3.12-1                     7.3.11-0ubuntu1                        
low   pmdk                      1.7-1                        1.6.1-1ubuntu1                         
low   qemu                      1:4.1-2                      1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu10                   
low   resource-agents           1:4.4.0-2                    1:4.4.0-1ubuntu1                       
low   runc                      1.0.0~rc9+dfsg1-1            1.0.0~rc8+git20190923.3e425f80-0ubuntu1
low   spice-protocol            0.14.0-1                     0.14.0-0ubuntu1                        
low   sssd                      2.2.2-1                      2.2.0-4ubuntu1                         
low   tevent                    0.10.1-4                     0.9.39-0ubuntu2                        

New Version in Experimental
low   haproxy                   2.1.0-2                   2.0.10-1                 

New Upstream not in Debian
high  logwatch                  7.5.2/logwatch-7.5.2      7.5.0-2ubuntu1           
high  multipath-tools           0.8.2                     0.7.9-3ubuntu6           
high  openipmi                  2.0.27                    2.0.25-2.1ubuntu1        
high  pacemaker                 2.0.2                     2.0.1-5ubuntu1           
high  tmux                      3.0-rc3                   3.0-1                    
(Low priority upstream releases skipped)

high == Packages seeded for Ubuntu-Server
low == Non-seeded packages Server team is subscribed to

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