Updated cron?

Robie Basak robie.basak at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 13 15:44:55 UTC 2019

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 02:04:14PM +0000, Leroy Tennison wrote:
> I don't know about a specification but, from "man 5 crontab" on
> OpenSUSE 13.2 'If MAILFROM is defined (and non-empty), it is used as
> the envelope sender address, otherwise, "root" is used.

Sounds like it is using "sendmail -f <MAILFROM>".

Thank you for bringing this up Leroy. I thought I'd share my thoughts on
what we should be doing generally in Ubuntu, rather than in answer to
your specific question:

I have no particular objection to tweaking cron, but:

 1) it does seem to me that if users find MAILFROM necessary, then they
 would be better served by being advised to tweak their MTA
 configuration rather than hoping for a similar feature in every email
 sending app and configuring each app individually.

 2) perhaps it's better to leave cron as-is for legacy purposes, but
 advise that users look at newer tools that don't have a backward
 compatibility burden for additional functionality (eg. systemd timers).

If there is clearly a leading cron compatible replacement in wide use in
the community then switching to that might make sense, but it would need
someone to take the ongoing effort to make sure that we don't break any
existing users currently happy with the current cron implementation.
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