Ubuntu 16.04, UEFI and software RAID 1

Leroy Tennison leroy at datavoiceint.com
Mon Aug 12 19:27:54 UTC 2019

Thanks for your reply - that's what I was afraid of.  It would sure be nice if there was a supported solution because drive sizes are going to push us to EFI eventually.


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Leroy Tennison
Network Information/Cyber Security Specialist
E: leroy at datavoiceint.com


2220 Bush Dr
McKinney, Texas

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From: Scott Moser <smoser at ubuntu.com>
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 11:27:34 AM
To: Leroy Tennison <leroy at datavoiceint.com>
Cc: ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com <ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Ubuntu 16.04, UEFI and software RAID 1

I've looked at this before.  To my knowledge, there is not a really good solution.
Kees Cook described the problem and some options
https://outflux.net/blog/archives/2018/04/19/uefi-booting-and-raid1/<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2foutflux.net%2fblog%2farchives%2f2018%2f04%2f19%2fuefi-booting-and-raid1%2f&c=E,1,sPdCxbKO2HDHcP-bbk3EN6JdQpX7jMXnERXONXkjVW9gcqIJsy_rQpwDrCLOO088DKzFTvST0I8MGFArmP6CMG1P0zulW3nKESbdQuRU&typo=1> .

It'd be nice if there was a supported "right way" to do this.

On Sat, Aug 10, 2019 at 9:47 PM Leroy Tennison <leroy at datavoiceint.com<mailto:leroy at datavoiceint.com>> wrote:

I have tried unsuccessfully so far to set up software RAID 1 while installing 16.04 or 18.04.  I was able to get install to finish a 16.04 install by manually creating a EFI partition during the process but the system won't boot (HP DL380 Gen 10).  In doing research I'm seeing that the EFI specification doesn't address mirroring.  However, references were in the Ubuntu 12.04 era.

Is this still true?  Can I have both EFI boot and RAID 1 for the EFI partition?

If the install is successful are there things I can check/correct to get a successful boot?

This is being set up for a customer at a remote site, is it even advisable to do RAID 1 on UEFI or is it best to do legacy BIOS for support reasons.

Thanks for your help.


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Leroy Tennison
Network Information/Cyber Security Specialist
E: leroy at datavoiceint.com<mailto:leroy at datavoiceint.com>


2220 Bush Dr
McKinney, Texas

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