Ubuntu Server Development Summary - 19 Sep 2017
David Britton
david.britton at canonical.com
Tue Sep 19 21:25:29 UTC 2017
# Hello Ubuntu Server!
The purpose of this communication is to provide a status update and
highlights for any interesting subjects from the Ubuntu Server Team. If
you would like to reach the server team, you can find us at the
#ubuntu-server channel on Freenode. Alternatively, you can sign up and
use the Ubuntu Server Team [mailing list][0].
[0]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
## Spotlight: KVM Integration test backend
Cloud-init recently added changes to our integration testing backend to
support KVM images in addition to LXC. This will allow us to exercise
more complex network and storage scenarios to ensure proper behavior in
complex environments.
## cloud-init and curtin
### cloud-init
- integration tests: Enable NoCloud KVM platform as a test suite.
Launches KVM via a wrapper around qemu-system and sets a custom SSH
port for communication with the test images.
- Chef users can now pin a desired omibus_version in **#cloud-config**
they wish to install with chef: omnibus_version: X.Y.Z
- Add **cloud-init collect-logs** comandline utility to tar and gzip
cloud-init logs needed to file bugs
- Apport integration so *ubuntu-bug* cloud-init works on Artful (to be
- Fix [Bug #1715690][1] and [Bug #1715738][2] - Cloud-init config
modules are now skipped if distribution doesn't match module's
supported distros. Modules can be forced to run setting
- [LP: #1675063][3] VMWare datasource now reacts to user network
customization and renders network configuration version 1 from the
- [LP: #1717147][4] Fix a CentOS 7 regression which ignored dhclient
lease files beginning with dhclient-. Datasource now handles
'dhclient-' and 'dhclient.' prefix.
- [LP: #1717611][5] walinuxagent sometimes fails to deliver certificates
during service upgrade. Cloud-init now waits 15 mins instead of 1 for
the wireservice to become healthy.
- [LP: #1717598][6] Fix GCE cloud instance user-data processing.
[1]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1715690
[2]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1715738
[3]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1675063
[4]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1717147
[5]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1717611
[6]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1717598
### curtin
- bzr r.526 - Ensure iscsi service handles shutdown properly. The
following iscsi configurations are validated as passing shutdown
(plain, lvm over iscsi, and raid over iscsi)
## Bug Work and Triage
- 147 bugs reviewed, 7 accepted, 272 in the [backlog][7]
- [Notes on daily bug triage][8]
[7]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+subscribedbugs
[8]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#Bug_Triage
## IRC Meetings
- [Server IRC Log][9]
- [Agenda and notes][10]
- [Cloud-init bi-weekly IRC Log][11]
[9]: https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2017/ubuntu-meeting.2017-09-19-16.01.html
[10]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[11]: https://cloud-init.github.io/status-2017-09-18.html
## Ubuntu Server Packages
Below is a summary of uploads to the development and supported releases.
Current status of the Debian to Ubuntu merges is tracked on the
[Merge-o-Matic page][12]. For a full list of recent merges with change
logs please see the Ubuntu Server [report][13].
[12]: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html
[13]: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/merges.html
### SRU bug closure highlights
- [LP: #1713990][14] - virt-install failes on s38-x with options
--location and --extra-args
- [LP: #1393842][15] - Cannot createa default RHEL7 vm in virt-manager
- [LP: #1099947][16] - nut-server fails to execute udeva for UPS
solutions due to permissions issues.
[14]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virt-manager/+bug/1713990
[15]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1393842
[16]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1393842
### Uploads to the Development Release (Artful)
apache2, 2.4.27-2ubuntu3, mdeslaur
cloud-init, 0.7.9-283-g7eb3460b-0ubuntu1, smoser
cloud-init, 0.7.9-281-g10f067d8-0ubuntu1, smoser
cloud-init, 0.7.9-280-ge626966e-0ubuntu1, smoser
docker.io, 1.13.1-0ubuntu3, vorlon
dpdk, 17.05.2-0ubuntu1, paelzer
groovy, 2.4.8-2, None
haproxy, 1.7.9-1ubuntu1, chiluk
lxc, 2.1.0-0ubuntu1, stgraber
maas, 2.3.0~alpha3-6250-g58f83f3-0ubuntu1, andreserl
nagios-nrpe, 3.2.0-4ubuntu2, brian-murray
ndg-httpsclient, 0.4.3-1, None
nmap, 7.60-1ubuntu1, doko
simplestreams, 0.1.0~bzr450-0ubuntu1, smoser
sysstat, 11.5.7-1ubuntu1, paelzer
tomcat8, 8.5.16-1, None
walinuxagent, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1, sil2100
Total: 17
### Uploads to Supported Releases (Trusty, Xenial, Yakkety, Zesty)
apache2, zesty, 2.4.25-3ubuntu2.3, mdeslaur
apache2, xenial, 2.4.18-2ubuntu3.5, mdeslaur
apache2, trusty, 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.18, mdeslaur
bind9, zesty, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-10.1ubuntu5.2, mdeslaur
bind9, xenial, 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.8, mdeslaur
bind9, trusty, 1:9.9.5.dfsg-3ubuntu0.16, mdeslaur
cloud-init, xenial, 0.7.9-233-ge586fe35-0ubuntu1~16.04.2, smoser
cloud-init, zesty, 0.7.9-233-ge586fe35-0ubuntu1~17.04.2, smoser
cloud-init, zesty, 0.7.9-233-ge586fe35-0ubuntu1~17.04.1, smoser
cloud-init, xenial, 0.7.9-233-ge586fe35-0ubuntu1~16.04.1, smoser
libvirt, trusty, 1.2.2-0ubuntu13.1.22, paelzer
nut, xenial, 2.7.2-4ubuntu1.2, paelzer
nut, trusty, 2.7.1-1ubuntu1.2, paelzer
qemu, zesty, 1:2.8+dfsg-3ubuntu2.4, mdeslaur
qemu, xenial, 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.15, mdeslaur
qemu, trusty, 2.0.0+dfsg-2ubuntu1.35, mdeslaur
walinuxagent, trusty, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1~14.04.1, sil2100
walinuxagent, xenial, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1~16.04.1, sil2100
walinuxagent, zesty, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1~17.04.1, sil2100
walinuxagent, trusty, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1~14.04.1, sil2100
walinuxagent, xenial, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1~16.04.1, sil2100
walinuxagent, zesty, 2.2.17-0ubuntu1~17.04.1, sil2100
Total: 22
## Contact the Ubuntu Server team
- Chat on #ubuntu-server on Freenode
- Email the [ubuntu-server mailing list][17]
[17]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
David Britton <david.britton at canonical.com>
More information about the ubuntu-server
mailing list