New Member - Contribution to Ubuntu Server

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at
Mon Feb 8 02:53:07 UTC 2016

Quoting genupulas at (genupulas at
>  Hello ,
> I am Raja and I have been using Ubuntu since 2008. I have started Ubuntu Contribution via Ubuntu Forums and now continued to Ask Ubuntu. 
> I want to start a new journey with Ubuntu Server. 
> My area of expertise are to be frank nothing and I am like R & D person and don't give up easily until I achieve what I want.
> I know BASH , Python , and C programming and expertise level between beginner and Intermediate. 
> Please help me to get start with Ubuntu Server Contribution.


welcome.  I'd recommend joining freenode #ubuntu-server irc channel if you
haven't already.  Between that, this list, and askubuntu and ubuntu Forums
I think you should have no problem finding problems (bugs, unimplemented
features) which interest you and which noone else is working on.  If you
need help, ask away on #ubuntu-server.


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