windows can not access samba share - username case senitivity issue [xenial]

Doug Smythies dsmythies at
Sat Feb 6 20:32:40 UTC 2016

On 2015.02.06 08:04 Jason Sauders wrote:

Thanks for the reply.

> One thing to keep in mind is that each samba user must 
> be a local system user on the box hosting the samba shares.

Yes, agreed.

> So if you have an Ubuntu box and this Ubuntu box is going to host the 
> samba shares, and overall you'd like to have a total of 5 samba users, 
> those 5 samba users must also have a local system account on the Ubuntu 
> system.

Yes, agreed.

> Keep in mind if you have 5 Ubuntu system users, but have configured 0 
> users for samba, you effectively have 0 users who can access samba. They 
> are not one in the same and are configured independently (though samba 
> users require local users to exist to complete the creation process).

No. Disagree. As far as I recall, I have never set up separate samba users.

> I do not believe the password of Doug on the Windows box has anything to 
> do with the password of Doug on the Linux box.

Yes, but I force them to be the same on my LAN.

> I have noticed Windows seemingly tries to use the local user + local 
> password (local to the Windows box) first as credentials for samba 
> shares. So if the Windows box is "Doug" with "password123" as the 
> password to log in to Windows, and you *also* have "Doug" with 
> "password123" as the samba credentials on the Linux box, the Windows box 
> will seemingly just "let you in", appearing to use no authentication in 
> the process, though it actually did authenticate you in that process via 
> assuming to use the local (to Windows) credentials first.

Yes, exactly. And that is what I have been doing for many many years.

> The above is of course just my understanding/experience in the past 
> (which may be gray at this point) of it all.

Mine also, because I have had to think about this since as far back
as I can remember. Migration from 10.10 to 12.04 to 14.04 all just worked
without much (O.K. any) thought.
> I encourage other folks 
> reading this message to correct me if this information isn't correct.

Yes, pelase.

> Typically I'll add all of my local users to the Ubuntu box first. 
> Following that, I add them to samba via 'sudo smb passwd -a username'. 

Yes, I have never done the second step (as far as I recall). Which
Is the whole point of the way I have my smb.conf file setup.

> Hope this helps! Keep us updated.

I will.

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