SoftEther VPN package for ubuntu

Thomas Ward teward at
Tue Sep 15 16:03:47 UTC 2015

Seth's questions are valid (and should probably be answered before anyone goes further with this getting into Ubuntu, in my opinion).


*Sent from my iPhone.  Please excuse any typos, as they are likely to happen by accident.*

> On Sep 15, 2015, at 11:48, Dmitry Verkhoturov <paskal.07 at> wrote:
> Thomas, thank you.
> We already have a request[1] in Debian bug system, any chance we can find anyone who can lift it there?
> 1
>> 15 сент. 2015 г., в 1:13, Thomas Ward <teward at> написал(а):
>> This should really get into Ubuntu by way of Debian inclusion, in my
>> opinion, and then included in Ubuntu in the next development cycle.
>> That's the typical way of getting software into Ubuntu.
>> ------
>> Thomas

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