OpenStack Kilo RC1 for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Ubuntu 15.04.

Martinx - ジェームズ thiagocmartinsc at
Mon Apr 20 00:33:36 UTC 2015

On 17 April 2015 at 17:15, James Page < at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> Hi All
> The Ubuntu OpenStack Engineering team is pleased to announce the
> general availability of the first release candidate of the OpenStack
> Kilo release in Ubuntu 15.04 development and for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS via
> the Ubuntu Cloud Archive.
> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
> - ----------------
> You can enable the Ubuntu Cloud Archive for OpenStack Kilo on Ubuntu
> 14.04 installations by running the following commands:
>   sudo add-apt-repository cloud-archive:kilo
>   sudo apt-get update
> The Ubuntu Cloud Archive for Kilo includes updates for Nova, Glance,
> Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, Horizon, Ceilometer and Heat; Ceph
> (0.94.1), RabbitMQ (3.4.2), QEMU (2.2), libvirt (1.2.12) and Open
> vSwitch (2.3.1) back-ports from 15.04 development have also been provide
> d.
> You can checkout the full list of packages and versions at [0].
> Note that for Swift we're still at version 2.2.2 - we're currently
> reviewing whether to include 2.3.0 for general release, or whether to
> defer that upgrade to next cycle.
> Ubuntu 15.04 development
> - ------------------------
> No extra steps required; just start installing OpenStack!
> New OpenStack components
> - ------------------------
> In addition to Trove, Sahara and Ironic we have now added Designate
> and Manila to the Ubuntu 15.04 and to the Ubuntu Cloud Archive for
> Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
> Neutron Driver Decomposition
> - ----------------------------
> As of Kilo RC1, Ubuntu are only tracking the decomposition of Neutron
> FWaaS, LBaaS and VPNaaS from Neutron core in the Ubuntu archive; we
> expect to add additional packages for other Neutron ML2 mechanism
> drivers and plugins early during the Liberty/15.10 development cycle -
> we'll provide these as backports to OpenStack Kilo users as and when
> they become available.
> OpenStack Kilo Release
> - ----------------------
> We have the slightly exciting situation this cycle in that OpenStack
> Kilo releases a week after Ubuntu 15.04; The Ubuntu OpenStack
> Engineering team will be working on a stable update for all OpenStack
> projects as soon as OpenStack Kilo is released.  I'd anticipate that
> these updates should be available around a week after the kilo release
> date.
> Reporting bugs
> - --------------
> Any issues please report bugs using the 'ubuntu-bug' tool:
>   sudo ubuntu-bug nova-conductor
> this will ensure that bugs get logged in the right place in Launchpad.
> Thanks and have fun!
> Cheers
> James
> [0]
> rsions.html
> - --
> James Page
> Ubuntu and Debian Developer
> at
> jamespage at

Hey James!

Listen, the Kilo for Ubuntu Trusty install documentation (draft) currently
recommends an external repository (for Debian Jessie) to install RabbitMQ
from it, right here:

To install the message queue service

Add the upstream repository key:

# curl -O
# apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc
Add the upstream repository:

# echo "deb testing main" \
  > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rabbitmq.list

But, I don't like to rely on any third party repositories for my production
environments, I prefer to use only Ubuntu official repositories, specially
when the external repository was not compiled for Trusty.

So, can you guys Backport the required RabbitMQ 3.5.1 to Trusty and update
the documentation?

I'll stick with Rabbit 3.4 from Trusty now. Do you know if Kilo have
problems with it?

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