Static IP address without removing DHCP

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Oct 26 15:25:13 UTC 2014

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 4:11 PM, Douglas Stanley
<douglas.m.stanley at> wrote:
> Actually DNS search would be your domain that would get appended to host
> names that aren't fully qualified.
> So if you put home.local in your search and then you try to ping a machine
> named files, it'll try files and then files.home.local
> So in search put your local domain name, or remove it if you don't have one.
> Glad I could actually help,
> Doug

Thank you Doug, dns-search is absolutely terrific for local
development! I wish that I had known about this earlier.

I have configured /etc/network/interfaces and the system comes up with
working networking. Thank you very much!

Dotan Cohen

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