lxc-ls --fancy taking a long time

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at ubuntu.com
Tue May 27 17:22:21 UTC 2014

Quoting Andreas Hasenack (andreas at canonical.com):
> Hi,
> for an experiment I'm trying to deploy 100 containers on a machine. I used
> the "ubuntu" charm and basically did a for loop with juju add-unit ubuntu
> --to lxc:1
> I had to adjust some ulimit limits, but so far, so good.
> It's taking more time than I expected to deploy this, but what really
> caught my attention is how long lxc-ls --fancy takes to complete:
> # time lxc-ls --fancy | grep juju-machine-1|wc -l
> 91
> real    1m36.950s

the --fancy does add a lot of work, but this seems slower than it ought
to be.  Are the containers running while you are doing this?  Is it
faster if they happen to all be stopped or all started?

> user    0m0.164s
> sys    0m0.108s
> The no-fancy output is quick:
> # time lxc-ls
> juju-machine-1-lxc-0   juju-machine-1-lxc-21  juju-machine-1-lxc-34
> juju-machine-1-lxc-47  juju-machine-1-lxc-6   juju-machine-1-lxc-72
> juju-machine-1-lxc-85
> (...)
> juju-machine-1-lxc-20  juju-machine-1-lxc-33  juju-machine-1-lxc-46
> juju-machine-1-lxc-59  juju-machine-1-lxc-71  juju-machine-1-lxc-84
> real    0m0.661s
> user    0m0.068s
> sys    0m0.052s
> Is there something wrong going on, or something else I could tune, or is it
> just the way it is?
> The machine is a 4-core i5 NUC, with an SSDs and 16Gb of RAM. It's running
> precise with lxc 1.0.0~alpha1-0ubuntu14.1~ctools0
> Thanks!

> -- 
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