Post-release updates for postfix/clamav

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Mon Dec 15 14:20:31 UTC 2014

On Monday, December 15, 2014 13:28:53 Robie Basak wrote:
> Scott,
> Thank you for all the work you've put into postfix and clamav on Ubuntu.
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 02:29:38PM -0500, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > I do think that for the Ubuntu Server community, it's important that
> > the work be done and I'd be glad to help bring someone up to speed on
> > what needs doing, but it's increasingly unlikely that I'm going to
> > find the time/energy to do it myself.
> The number of packages we have MREs for has been growing quite a bit
> recently (or that's my impression anyway). Do you have any suggestions
> for tooling to track this so that I can easily what packages have
> outstanding MREs that have not yet been uploaded? Then I could
> prioritise these together with the other server bugwork.
> I presume something is possible based on debian/watch, but I'm not aware
> of anything that follows this in Ubuntu.

I'm not.  For MREs, it's a bit of a different situation anyway.

For clamav, it's a release being out of date related to the development series 
(since we generally want to push all upstream updates to -backports to keep 
them available and the security team will push them to -security when needed 
to address security relevant issues.  Clamav is somewhat unique due to it's 
role in that it's post-release exception is broader than just micro-releases.

For postfix, it's not just the latest version, but the latest version in the 
series.  Currently (for example) trusty has 2.11 and 2.11.3 is the latest 
release, but once 2.12 is released early next year, there will still be 2.11 
bug fixes to be tracked.

Scott K

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