Monitoring IBM ServeRAID with Ubuntu Server 12.04

David Duffey david.duffey at
Fri May 31 01:34:17 UTC 2013

Hi Jorge,

I run the team at Canonical responsible for working with our server
hardware partners.  First, I would encourage you to reach out to your
IBM contacts and re-iterate to them that you would like to see them
provide their userspace packaged/support for Ubuntu.  There is little
from a technical perspective in our way to work with IBM on this
functionality but it is largely a business decision that needs to be
made by our hardware partners and they are unlikely to make this a
priority unless they see the demand from their customers.  We really
appreciate your (and everyone elses') help!

We have provided testing, QA, packaging, and documentation to our
partners for managing and monitoring for this particular RAID chipset
in debian package format and is supporting this card with several our
partners.  LSI is a member of the Canonical Technical Partner Program
and provides support to Canonical the for the kernel driver and
related userspace application tools for our mutual customers.
Unfortunately Canonical has no rights to redistribute all of this work
which includes proprietary, licensed, and re-branded technology.

Please open a case with your enterprise canonical support contract
under Ubuntu Advantage and ask to escalate the issue to the LSI
Technical Partner Manager and their manager (me, David Duffey) who
will be able to work with you and LSI to provide the software,
documentation, and support you need.  As you mentioned, we are well
positioned to "bridge the gap" here until IBM officially supports


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Monitoring IBM ServeRAID with Ubuntu Server 12.04
> Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 08:22:20 -0300
> From: Jorge Andres Brugger <jbrugger at>
> To: ubuntu-server at
> El 28/05/2013 11:59 p.m., Peter M. Petrakis escribió:
>> On 05/28/2013 01:42 PM, Jorge Andres Brugger wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> As the subject says: it´s possible to monitor IBM ServeRAID RAID
>>> array from Ubunto 12.04? AFAIK, IBM Director it´s only available in
>>> RPM flavour. Is there any alternative?
>> alien or rpm2cpio. This is really an OEM issue, they're distributing
>> the tool, they are responsible for packaging and support. Usually it's
>> not too painful to convert it, and the tools themselves are self
>> contained for the most parts e.g. no dependencies.
>>> Thanks!
> Peter:
> I know this is a OEM issue, but I´ve seen Ubuntu efforts to bridge the
> gap, like the server certification
> (
> In any case, I think Ubuntu Server enterprise adoption would be boosted
> if Canonical bet some coins to develop or promote this kind of server tools.
> Just my 2 c.
> Thanks again.
> --
> Jorge Andrés Brugger
> Informática
> DASU - Obra Social del Personal de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia
> Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut, Argentina
> Teléfono (0297) 446-4444 int. 103
> Correo electrónico: jbrugger at
> Website:
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
> ubuntu-server at
> More info:

David Duffey, Server Partner Programme Manager
+1-512-850-6776 (work), +1-512-287-4289 (work fax)

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