Fwd: Mentoring for a new member from Brazil.

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at ubuntu.com
Wed May 15 15:08:04 UTC 2013

Quoting Tiago Porangaba (tiagoporangaba at gmail.com):
> Hello Serge!
> I would love to contribute using my programming skills however I do not
> know much about Ubuntu Server Platform, so my strategy it is take some
> small amount of work and progressively take bigger challenges.
> I was thinking to start as a Triager, what do you think? It is a way to
> gain a deeper knowledge of the platform, using it and trying to reproduce
> some bugs scenarios.

Triaging actually turns out to be not an easy place to start.  I'm not
saying don't do it, I'm just saying don't do it expecting it to be a
quick way to get started.  It'll be educational though - each bug will
teach you about a package, what it does, the upstream, and the

> I was reading more about the platform and got fascinated about JuJu. Is
> that possible to start with some minor bug of this tool?

Surely it must be!  :)  There are people on this list who are more
active in juju development than I am, so I'll let them give more
details about the best place to get started.  Though in the meantime,
simply trying some of the juju examples from blog entries (particularly
using the local provider in pyjuju) would be a useful start.

> Finally, I will watch some sessions, thanks for the clue! By the way, what
> is vUDS? It is a Virtual Summit?

Right, virtual Ubuntu Developer Summit.


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