[vUDS blueprint 13.10] include OpenAttestation v2.0

Wei, Gang gang.wei at intel.com
Wed May 15 01:32:56 UTC 2013

James Page wrote on 2013-05-14:
> Hey Jimmy
> On 14/05/13 03:31, Scott Kitterman wrote:
>>> I would like to make the OpenAttestation(oat) package(currently in
>>>> repo) upgraded to v2.0, and if possible include it into universal repo
>>>> further support it from Juju Charms.
>>>> Oat 2.0 is expected to be released in this August, coming refactored
>>>> in both server & agent sides. We might need to upgrade the package in
>>>> Partner repo first, then resolve all the dependent packages and try
>>>> to put it into universal repo. After that, we can work on Juju Charms
>>>> to make the installation & configuration easier.
>>>> Note: I would be willing to volunteer to draft this blueprint, and
>>>> potentially work on work items created. But it definitely needs helps
>>>> Ubuntu community.
>> If it's in Partner, there's not much anyone outside Canonical can do.
> I can take care of the partner package update (as I have done before).

Thanks, James.

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