Ubuntu10: "clnt_create rpc program not registered"

Lorenzo Milesi maxxer at ufficyo.com
Mon Jan 7 21:54:45 UTC 2013

I'm trying to mount an old Seagate BlackArmor using NFS.
I have a Debian 5 system correctly mounting the share, but on my newly installed Ubuntu 10.04 I cannot.

if I run
showmount -e
I get 
clnt_create rpc program not registered

if I try to directly mount the share using the same command working on debian I get 
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified

Package nfs-common is installed, portmap is running, what else could be wrong?
Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.milesi at yetopen.it

GPG/PGP Key-Id: 0xE704E230 - http://keyserver.linux.it

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