[vUDS Blueprint 13.10] MongoDB into Ubuntu main

James Page james.page at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 30 19:13:42 UTC 2013

Hi Clint

On 30/04/13 18:38, Clint Byrum wrote:
> So, one could argue that the current Ubuntu packages, which do link
> mongodb to OpenSSL, are violating the AGPL license. There is of course
> the special exception for system libraries, but that requires that one
> prove OpenSSL is "a major essential component of the specific operating
> system on which the executable work runs". Not a huge stretch, but one
> that Debian has been reluctant to make.

I raised this directly with 10gen last cycle; they granted Ubuntu a 
license exception so that we could enable SSL support with OpenSSL.

I want to see if we can get this generically expanded to support *everyone*.

James Page
Ubuntu Core Developer
Debian Maintainer
james.page at ubuntu.com

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