/boot maintenance

Dean Henrichsmeyer dean at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 5 13:44:41 UTC 2012

Hi All,

I realize this has been covered in the past but I've been observing more of
it lately so thought I'd revisit it. Here's the problem I've been
observing. Service providers that offer dedicated servers running Ubuntu
default to 100MB /boot partitions. This is true of providers like Peer1,
Softlayer, etc. Granted, you can fix that by re-provisioning the machine
with your own partition preferences prior to putting your
data/configuration on the host but most won't note the potential problem
until it's too late.

So what happens is if you use something that keeps the machine up to date
like Landscape or something of your own, /boot is going to fill up fast. As
far as I can tell, Ubuntu Server doesn't tell you that you need a reboot
when a new kernel is installed like Desktop does and it's no time at all
before /boot is filled up. If you're not monitoring your partitions and/or
manually house cleaning /boot consistently, you're going to run into

I realize the ideal thing would be to get providers to change their
defaults to something more modern that is in line with the size of today's
disks and kernels. That being said, I also think it would be really nice to
set a policy or something on the number of kernels you keep around. I'd
like users getting dedicated servers running Ubuntu to have a positive
experience. I don't know if anything is planned in this area but I thought
I'd provide some feedback in case it factors in.

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