Ubuntu Server Team Meeting Minute 20120522

Serge Hallyn serge.hallyn at canonical.com
Wed May 23 21:23:52 UTC 2012

Meeting started by s3h at 16:01:01 UTC.  The full logs are available at

== Meeting summary ==

 *Review ACTION points from previous
''LINK:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+specs?role=drafter   (Daviey, 16:04:06)
''LINK:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~james-page/+specs?searchtext=servercloud-q&role=assignee   (Daviey, 16:04:12)
''LINK:'' https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~james-page/+specs?searchtext=servercloud-q&role=assignee   (s3h, 16:04:57)
''LINK:'' http://people.canonical.com/~davewalker/delta.html   (Daviey, 16:06:53)
''ACTION:'' zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker  (s3h, 16:07:05)

 *Quantal Development

Specs currently under consideration are at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+specs?role=drafter.  If a spec is missing, let Daviey know.

Blueprints which $user is responsible for driving to Approved state can be found at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~$user/+specs?searchtext=servercloud-q&role=assignee.  Please set those which require review to Review state.

Daviey urges now is the time for frantic work on merges.  http://people.canonical.com/~davewalker/delta.html shows the delta with sid.

''ACTION:'' zul to also pull Ursinha into SRU tracker talks  (s3h, 16:08:28)

 *Ubuntu Server Team Events

 *Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)
''LINK:'' http://people.canonical.com/chucks/libvirt   (s3h, 16:29:37)

 *Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (rbasak)

 *Open Discussion
''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements should be reviewed by interested people  (jdstrand, 16:37:18)

There may be interest in having a server team member added to the MIR team.  The idea would be for the server team member to review desktop packages, and vice versa.  Interested server team members are urged to email arosales and Daviey.

''ACTION:'' email arosales/Daviey if interested in ubuntu-mir membership  (s3h, 16:38:20)
''ACTION:'' arosales to follow up with Ursinha on best approach for blueprint management this cycle  (s3h, 16:46:18)

 *Announce next meeting date and time

Tuesday May 29 at 1600 UTC.  right here.

Meeting ended at 16:51:06 UTC.

== Votes ==

== Action items ==

 * zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker
 * zul to also pull Ursinha into SRU tracker talks
 * email arosales/Daviey if interested in ubuntu-mir membership
 * arosales to follow up with Ursinha on best approach for blueprint management this cycle

== Action items, by person ==

 * arosales
 ** zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker
 ** email arosales/Daviey if interested in ubuntu-mir membership
 ** arosales to follow up with Ursinha on best approach for blueprint management this cycle
 * Daviey
 ** email arosales/Daviey if interested in ubuntu-mir membership
 * jamespage
 ** zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker
 * Ursinha
 ** zul to also pull Ursinha into SRU tracker talks
 ** arosales to follow up with Ursinha on best approach for blueprint management this cycle
 * zul
 ** zul talk to arosales and jamespage offline about SRU tracker
 ** zul to also pull Ursinha into SRU tracker talks

== People present (lines said) ==

 * s3h (75)
 * SpamapS (56)
 * arosales (23)
 * zul (22)
 * Daviey (19)
 * jdstrand (16)
 * Ursinha (15)
 * rbasak (9)
 * jamespage (8)
 * smoser (7)
 * ubottu (7)
 * meetingology (7)
 * roaksoax (5)
 * smb (4)
 * hggdh (4)
 * jimbaker` (3)
 * m_3 (3)
 * lynxman (1)
 * utlemming (1)

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