[Maria-discuss] [debian-mysql] MySQL's future in Debian and Ubuntu

Stewart Smith stewart at flamingspork.com
Fri Feb 17 04:47:57 UTC 2012

On Thu, 16 Feb 2012 08:33:50 +0100, Bjoern Boschman <bjoern at boschman.de> wrote:
> On 16.02.2012 00:57, Henrik Ingo wrote:
> > Percona Server is like MariaDB in that both of them are compatible 
> > with MySQL and you could do a plug-and-play replacement. Percona 
> > Server is much closer to MySQL (which many think is great), shall
> > I say more focused. MariaDB has more deviation in the code base and
> > also adds more stuff like additional storage engines (which many
> > think is great, especially when you want to play with new
> > features).
> The additional storage engine also applies to percona :-)

We use the name XtraDB to refer to our modified InnoDB (this avoids
confusion and trademark issues). We don't ship any other engines though,
we simply don't see the demand.

Stewart Smith

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