choosing desired os to boot over ssh

Neal McBurnett neal at
Sat Feb 11 14:21:24 UTC 2012

It seems to me that grub-reboot does what you asked for.  You do have to modify /etc/default/grub *one time* to set the "saved" option, but after that you just quickly run grub-reboot before a reboot and it boots the one you picked, on just the next reboot.  If on that boot, you DON'T run grub-reboot, it will reboot the time after that with your default, safe boot option.  If you're worried about testing odd kernels and panics, you can also set a boot option like "panic=30" so it reboots into a safe kernel after a panic.

If that isn't what you wanted, can you clarify in more detail what you're looking for?

You could set up a serial console connected to a separate computer let you connect to it at boot time, but it is much more complicated and expensive.
I guess if you need to boot into OS's that don't use grub, a serial console boot would be more convenient than rebooting to the default one that does do grub, and then choosing the one you really want next via grub-reboot from there.

Neal McBurnett       

On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 05:54:30PM +0530, Tapas Mishra wrote:
> No this is not what I want.I am aware of these options.
> On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 3:39 PM, Pandu Poluan <pandu at> wrote:
>     Go here:
>     find grub-set-default and grub-reboot. These commands will be available if
>     you set grub.cfg according to the procedure in the section.
>     Rgds,
>     On Feb 11, 2012 3:39 PM, "Tapas Mishra" <mightydreams at> wrote:
>         I forgot to mention in previous message I do not want to be manually
>         editing the grub.cfg file each time if I have to frequently switch
>         between different OS.
>         On Sat, Feb 11, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at>
>         wrote:
>             I have a machine which is multiple boot.For sysadmin kind of work I
>             have to boot into different different Operating System's. Main Os
>             is Ubuntu 11.10 with grub2.
>             Each time if I reboot then I want to be able to select desired
>             operating system to boot while remotely logged in via ssh as we do
>             when we are physically present on that machine by moving the up
>             down arrow keys.I want to do some thing similar via ssh or if
>             possible by some other protocol.
>             Is it possible some how.Is there any package available for the
>             same?
>             --

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