PHP sqlite<3

Peter Hoffmann Hoffmann.P at
Fri Aug 10 08:51:40 UTC 2012

Hy Robie,

I did not know that Ubuntu just follows along Debian so I will share my
considerations with the Debian Maintainers.


Am 08.08.2012 12:58, schrieb Robie Basak:
> Peter,
> On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 03:43:17PM +0200, Peter Hoffmann wrote:
>> On the other hand php5-cli/-cgi does not contain sqlite<3 support. So
>> right now the only difference to have access to sqlite<3 databases in
>> php using the current ubuntu version is to download the php-sources and
>> install the module form them - the pecl package is - first - not
>> supported any more and - secondly - does just not compile.
>> Saying this, I personally found my way around but am not so happy with
>> having to find that out the hard way. So I would either request to
>> include sqlite extension into php5-core packages or at least providing
>> some kind of php5-sqlite<3 package (I definitely oppose to re-rename
>> php5-sqlite to php5-sqlite3 and let the old php5-sqlite resurrect).
> I don't follow. Perhaps I misunderstand? You seem to be saying that
> php5-sqlite<3 isn't supported upstream any more and does not compile. So
> where would the support for php5-sqlite<3 that you want back in Ubuntu
> come from?
> Ubuntu is just following along from Debian here. Are you saying that
> Ubuntu should be doing something different from Debian, and if so, how
> exactly? Who are you proposing to maintain this delta?
> Robie

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