ServerGuide reviewers needed

Ahmed Kamal kim0 at
Wed Oct 5 13:46:57 UTC 2011

Calling out to:

- Christophe.sauthier (Package Management)
- javiplx (Kerberos, Kerberos and Ldap)
- guillaume-espanel (Monitoring)
- twirrim (MySQL)
- stefan-pynappels (LAMP overview)
- guillaume-espanel (Backups)
- Koolhead17 (etckeeper)

Everyone listed above has some review chapters that are listed as TODO, 
or INPROGRESS. Since we're a week away from release, can everyone of you 
please update the status on ASAP

and also to please reply to me by email (within 24hours) that you're 
still interested (or not) in working on that

Thanks a lot, a lot of great work has been done, let's keep pushing

On 09/27/2011 12:38 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> On 09/13/2011 03:44 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
>> On 08/18/2011 01:49 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
>>> On 08/17/2011 06:33 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> As you know Adam the maintainer of the serverguide had stepped 
>>>> down. I'm trying to assemble a team of server oriented folks who 
>>>> are interested in reviewing the Ubuntu server guide (making sure 
>>>> all the info inside is fresh and accurate), this is only part of 
>>>> it, the team would also work on creating a fresh chapter on 
>>>> UbuntuCloud (openstack+orchestra+Ensemble).
>>>> If you are interested, please raise your hand
>>>> Cheers
>>> Wow, I have been bombarded with interested contributors! Thanks to 
>>> everyone who replied offering to contribute, this is how we "Ubuntu 
>>> people" get things done! For everyone wanting to contribute, here is 
>>> what you need to do:
>>> - Visit:
>>> - Pick a sub-chapter you would like to review, add your launchpad 
>>> name to the end and change status from TODO to INPROGRESS
>>>   Example: 4.2TCP/IP (TODO) would become 4.2 TCP/IP 
>>> - That pad page also has instructions on how to grab the serverguide 
>>> and work with it
>>> - If you've never used bzr before, this tutorial can be useful: 
>>> - If you need any help, ping me kim0 on irc. I hang out on 
>>> #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-cloud. Or shoot me an email
>>> Note: While we've broken down the work items by sub-chapter, I would 
>>> like to encourage you to own a full chapter since that should help 
>>> with consistency
>>> Thanks again for offering to help, we have a limited time frame till 
>>> 11.10 is released, so your prompt contributions are very welcome. 
>>> Let's start crunching
>> Hi Team,
>> We are almost half way through this month. My soft goal is to have 
>> all chapters in a merge proposal by end of this month. If you're 
>> interested in a nice graphical representation of approximately where 
>> we are, please check this out
>> - If you'd like to help with this effort, your help is needed and 
>> time is not on our side. Please do adopt a chapter on 
>> all instructions are already on 
>> that page
>> - If you already adopted a chapter, kindly update your chapters' 
>> status to one of:
>>   * TODO: Someone needs to adopt this
>>   * TODO + YourName : I am planning to review this sub-chapter. It 
>> will be ready for a merge proposal by end of this month
>>   * INPROGRESS: I am already on it, will be ready by end of month
>>   * PROPOSED: Merge proposal filed
>>   * DONE: Merged
>> Cheers
> Hi again,
> Oneiric is approaching *fast*. Please visit 
> and update your chapters' review 
> status. Thanks a lot for everyone who has contributed to improving the 
> serverguide. As usual, if you think you cannot review your chapters 
> before 1st Oct, please consider reverting its status to TODO
> Thanks

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