Server Team Meeting Minutes 2011-11-08

Andres Rodriguez andreserl at
Wed Nov 9 16:04:11 UTC 2011

== Meeting summary ==

 *Review ACTION points from previous meeting
''ACTION:'' smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging bug #790712
(carry over)  (roaksoax, 16:17:08)

 *Precise Development

 *Ubuntu Server Team Events

 *Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)

 *Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)

 *Weekly Updates & Questions regarding Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander)

 *Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community

 *Open Discussion

 *Announce next meeting date and time

== Action items ==

 * smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging bug #790712 (carry over)

== Action items, by person ==

 * jamespage
 ** smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging bug #790712 (carry over)
 * smb
 ** smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging bug #790712 (carry over)

== People present (lines said) ==

 * roaksoax (63)
 * lynxman (13)
 * jamespage (9)
 * meetingology (4)
 * hallyn (3)
 * utlemming (3)
 * zul (3)
 * ubottu (2)
 * robbiew (2)
 * smb (2)

== Full Log ==

 16:09:38 <roaksoax> #startmeeting

 16:09:38 <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Nov  8 16:09:38 2011 UTC.
 The chair is roaksoax. Information about MeetBot at

 16:09:38 <meetingology>

 16:09:38 <meetingology> Available commands: #accept #accepted #action
#agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea
#info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected
#replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair
#undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired

 16:09:39 <lynxman> jamespage: yeah he returned last night

 16:09:45 <hallyn> jamespage, oh, i didn't realized he stayed through monday

 16:09:57 <roaksoax> #topic Review ACTION points from previous meeting

 16:10:09 <roaksoax> ALL: review
and make known any other bugs that need to be added to the list.

 16:10:22 <roaksoax> has anyone reviewed the known bugs and determined
new to be added to the list?

 16:10:56 <hallyn> (i would have thought that was relevant only wrt
oneiric release)

 16:11:20 <roaksoax> uhmmm maybe someone forgot to update the wikipage
and it is badly outdated?

 16:11:44 <roaksoax> last time edited is october 18 apparently

 16:11:57 <roaksoax> zul: i think you forgot to update the wikipage :)

 16:12:24 <zul> there is a meeting now?

 16:12:39 <jamespage> I love a clock change

 16:12:41 <zul> damn daylight savings

 16:12:45 <hallyn> +1

 16:13:05 <lynxman> zul: you're late! :)

 16:13:29 <roaksoax> alright I guess there's no release bugs then

 16:13:31 <roaksoax> lets move on

 16:13:41 <roaksoax> smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging bug #790712

 16:13:43 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 790712 in linux (Ubuntu Precise)
"20110531 i386 server ISO: order 5 allocation failure during install"

 16:13:44 <roaksoax> any updates?

 16:14:07 * smb is not aware of any

 16:14:21 <roaksoax> jamespage?

 16:14:23 <roaksoax> hggdh: ?

 16:14:30 <jamespage> no - I don't think we saw that issue again

 16:14:53 <jamespage> i.e. all the automated testing passed OK during
the final part of last cycle

 16:15:14 <roaksoax> alright, the bug seems to be confirmed and high
priority though

 16:15:23 <roaksoax> jamespage: anyone care on update the =corect status for it

 16:15:24 <roaksoax> ?

 16:16:07 <jamespage> ah - sorry I remember now - this can be
reproduced - its been worked around at the moment (I think)

 16:16:17 <jamespage> we really need hggdh to confirm that tho

 16:16:45 <jamespage> roaksoax, please carry it over

 16:16:49 <roaksoax> alright

 16:17:08 <roaksoax> #action smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging
bug #790712 (carry over)

 16:17:08 * meetingology smb, jamespage, hggdh to work on triaging bug
#790712 (carry over)

 16:17:10 <ubottu> Launchpad bug 790712 in linux (Ubuntu Precise)
"20110531 i386 server ISO: order 5 allocation failure during install"

 16:17:26 <roaksoax> utlemming to figure out qemu image situation (carry-over)

 16:17:35 <roaksoax> uhmm i think he is not around

 16:18:13 * utlemming shows up late :(

 16:18:24 <roaksoax> utlemming to figure out qemu image situation (carry-over)

 16:18:37 <roaksoax> utlemming: any updateS?

 16:18:41 <utlemming> that was solved about a month ago, but was never
reflected in the updates

 16:18:43 <utlemming> they work

 16:19:28 <roaksoax> utlemming: alright then, let's move on

 16:19:40 <roaksoax> #topic Precise Development

 16:19:48 <roaksoax> Daviey: i guess he is not around?

 16:20:12 <roaksoax> anyone has anything to bring up to discussion for

 16:20:34 <jamespage> guess we should all be filling out work-items from UDS

 16:20:43 <jamespage> (just in case anyone did not know)

 16:20:51 <zul> damn :)

 16:20:57 <roaksoax> jamespage: really ?? :)

 16:21:05 <lynxman> shocking news

 16:21:05 <roaksoax> alright then, I guess that's it

 16:21:09 <roaksoax> moving on

 16:21:19 <roaksoax> #topic Ubuntu Server Team Events

 16:21:25 <roaksoax> any new upcoming events?

 16:21:54 <robbiew> LISA - Dec 4-9

 16:22:02 <robbiew> I **might** be there

 16:22:04 <lynxman> robbiew: anyone from the server team going?

 16:22:18 <lynxman> *might* be there too

 16:22:22 <lynxman> I have a BoF session

 16:23:38 <roaksoax> alright, I guess there's no more events

 16:23:39 <roaksoax> let's move on

 16:23:43 <roaksoax> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (hggdh)

 16:23:50 <roaksoax> hggdh: around?

 16:24:36 <roaksoax> i guess he is not

 16:24:43 <roaksoax> so let's leave it for later if he is around

 16:24:46 <roaksoax> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (smb)

 16:24:56 <roaksoax> smb: do you have any updates for us?

 16:25:09 <smb> Are there questions? I don't really have updates

 16:25:40 <roaksoax> I guess not :(

 16:25:42 <roaksoax> so let's move on then

 16:25:46 <roaksoax> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions regarding
Ubuntu ARM Server (NCommander)

 16:26:01 <roaksoax> NCommander: do you have any updates for us?

 16:26:06 <roaksoax> or does anyone have any questions for NCommander

 16:26:07 <roaksoax> ?

 16:26:55 <roaksoax> i guess he is not around either....

 16:26:58 <roaksoax> #topic Weekly Updates & Questions from the Ubuntu Community

 16:27:05 <roaksoax> any updates/questions from the Community?

 16:27:28 <lynxman> mcollective is in progress and merging from
debian, I had a long chat this morning with the debian package
maintainer, we'll work together for future synced ubuntu/debian

 16:27:45 <roaksoax> yay hurray for lynxman

 16:27:52 <lynxman> also we're pulling back rabbitmq packages from
ubuntu back to debian

 16:27:56 <lynxman> and bringing mcollective-plugins

 16:28:21 <lynxman> apart from that there's an issue with the
mcollective package dependencies on oneiric (they're not right) will
create a SRU later this week if anyone fancies sponsoring

 16:28:40 <roaksoax> that's for the updates lynxman

 16:28:48 <roaksoax> feel free to ask any of us

 16:28:56 <lynxman> roaksoax: will do :)

 16:29:04 <roaksoax> anyone else form the community has something to dicuss?

 16:29:31 <roaksoax> i guess not

 16:29:43 <roaksoax> #topic Open Discussion

 16:29:50 <roaksoax> anyone else has anything to bring to the table?

 16:30:03 <roaksoax> anyone with ubuflu apart from me?

 16:30:09 <lynxman> roaksoax: plenty of people :)

 16:30:14 * jamespage has ubuflu

 16:30:37 <roaksoax> they should have a doctor and get us flu
injections before every UDS xD

 16:30:49 <lynxman> roaksoax: UDS is a giant petri dish

 16:31:06 <roaksoax> hehe

 16:31:12 <roaksoax> anywyas, i think we cna end this now

 16:31:14 <roaksoax> #topic Announce next meeting date and time

 16:31:32 <roaksoax> next tuesday same time I believe

 16:31:37 <roaksoax> thanks all for coming

 16:31:39 <roaksoax> #endmeeting

Andres Rodriguez (RoAkSoAx)
Ubuntu Server Developer
MSc. Telecom & Networking
Systems Engineer
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