OT: Reply-to settings of this mailing list

Steven Miano mianosm at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 11:21:59 UTC 2011

This issue has been brought up before. Ubuntu is the only mailing list that
I've seen it done, but it is done on several of the lists within the group.

Remember to "Reply to all" when it comes to this one.

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 3:52 AM, Michael Zoet <Michael.Zoet at zoet.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Am 01.11.2011 08:08, schrieb Hakan Koseoglu:
> > It defaults to the user, or it's the Google Mail I'm using but that's
> > unlikely.. It's an unusual setting for such a list server.
> > Was it intentional? Other Ubuntu lists I've been using don't have this
> > peculiarity and answer to the list by default.
> It really depends on which Ubuntu mailinglist you use. Some have it
> this way others have it the other way. Mostly it depends on the list
> moderators and the user demands. And it is always a discussion of some
> sort, where I hope this will not happen on this list. (Always the same
> pro and cons...)
> Most mailers have a button (or command) to answer to the mailing list
> directly. As long as I am reading the 100s of Ubuntu mailinglists I
> learned to like this a lot ;-).
> Michael
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> ubuntu-server mailing list
> ubuntu-server at lists.ubuntu.com
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Rev. Miano, Steven M.
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