WebDAV issues

Giorgio Zarrelli zarrelli at linux.it
Wed May 4 14:47:32 UTC 2011


you are wrong.

AllowOverride None

would prevent Apache to read the access with the filename pointed by


Since you pointed

 AccessFileName .acl

it will prevent the reading of .acl files, not .htaccess.

You could try with a rewrite rule.

<quota chi="Dirk Deimeke">
> Answering Giorgio Zarrelli <zarrelli at linux.it>
> (Wed, 4 May 2011 16:01:20 +0200 (CEST)):
> Hi Giorgio,
>> if it's not a problem for you, try this:
> unfortunately it is, there are about thirty productive websites with
> .htaccess files on the machine.
> I only used the "AccessFileName" to get rid of the interpretation of
> ".htaccess". In my opinion and this is what the apache docu says with
> "AllowOverride None" no AccessFile should be read.
> Nevertheless thank you!
> Cheers
> Dirk
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