WebDAV issues

Giorgio Zarrelli zarrelli at linux.it
Wed May 4 14:01:20 UTC 2011


if it's not a problem for you, try this:

Since the scope of

AccessFileName .acl

is either the virtualhost container or the global apache config, move it
in the


or whatever the main apache conf is named. Then, bounce apache, try to
access the files and have a look to the log files.


<quota chi="Dirk Deimeke">
> Answering Giorgio Zarrelli <zarrelli at linux.it>
> (Wed, 4 May 2011 15:14:04 +0200 (CEST)):
> Hi Giorgio,
> thanks!
>> it seems something went wrong with your virtualhost container. The
>> directives are not applied to your "container".
> Do you have an idea what can make that happen?
> I am able to access respectively see the directory via WebDAV, but I
> am not able to change existing files or upload them, The directory
> belongs to user and group www-data with read/write permission on files
> and rwx on directories.
> Cheers
> Dirk
> --
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